Last day of Term: 23rd July ... We look forward to the children returning to school on 4th Sept (school closed to pupils 2nd & 3rd Sept for Staff Training) ...If your child will be starting School in Reception 2025, please email your contact details to book a Family Tour...
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St Martin's Church of England Primary School

SATs 'our best ever results' headline 2018 at St Martin's

2018 KS2 SATs Headline (July 2018)

We are incredibly proud of every one of our pupils, each has done their very best and helped us achieve our best results ever and significantly above National Averages!  

Our KS2 results can be found below (with National Average in brackets).

  St Martin's results 2018 (National Average results 2018)
Reading 92% (75%)
Writing - teacher assessed 85% (78%)
English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 88% (78%)
Maths 86% (76%)
Combined - getting age related in all subjects 81% (64%)


"These are fantastic achievements all round.  Well done to everyone involved!  These results continue a pattern of rising results over the last few years."
