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St Martin's Church of England Primary School

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

   Kingfisher Class - Mrs Mann
Puffins Class - Mrs Emery

CURRICULUM OVERVIEW: For the latest Curriculum Termly Topic for Year 6, please see links at the bottom of this page.

For Subject Overviews, Year Group Overviews and Learning Organisers please visit our >> Curriculum page


Year 6 SAT's Week - 12th-15th May 2025 (more details to follow)


In May the Year 6 children will be taking KS2 SATs tests. To help prepare & support children with these, we will be using CGP SATs Busters books for homework. We've ordered these at a hugely discounted rate - the cost of the book bundle is £5.55 (RRP £15) payable via by 3rd February 2025.


Year 6 Educational Visit to Lifeskills Centre: The children have an upcoming visit to the Lifeskills Centre, Bristol on Tuesday 5th February 2025. This provides a fantastic opportunity for the children to experience real life scenarios and think about how they would cope in these situations. The cost of the visit is £9.12 per child - contribution payment payable via (Please note the cost has been subsidised by the school fundraising PTA, reduced from £14.26 as we feel it is such an essential trip for the children).

Please see copy of letter below.


Year 6 Historical Guided Tour of Worle:  A huge thank you to the incredibly knowledgeable Michael Gorely, who gave the Year 6s a historical guided tour of Worle on 3rd December. The children and adults found out so many interesting facts about Worle’s history. Michael was able to show the children the different styles of houses that feature in our town, alongside the meanings of some of the road names. He was also able to revisit previous learning by showing children some interesting WWII landmarks- particularly a road sign with a bullet hole through it!

Michael’s Knowledge was incredible and the children have learnt so much about the history of their local area!



Residential Camp at Mill on the Brue, Somerset 25th-29th November 2024 :
The children had a fabulous time away on their Year 6 Residential Camp at Mill On the Brue in November.  There were many activities on offer which they took part in, these included; walk the plank, leap of faith, assault course and the gladiator wall.

On Monday for their survival challenge, the children had to trade objects to make sure they had their survival items! To ensure they had water for their hot chocolate, they needed to visit the beautiful and majestic water fairy!

They enjoyed a Disco on their final evening before returning to school on the Friday. 





Explorer Dome visits St Martin's:  Year 6 had a fantastic time in the Explorer Dome at the end of Term 1. They experienced some amazing experiments and learnt so much about forces from the experts. They loved it!



2023/2024 EVENTS:

Year 6 Disco and Party (for more details please see copy of letter below)

Monday 22nd July 4pm-5.30pm


Year 6 Leavers Performances - School O'Vision (for more details please see copy of letter below)

Wednesday 17th July 1.45pm and

Thursday 18th July 5.30pm



Year 6 Final Day Arrangements - Tuesday 23rd July:
The Year 6 pupils will leave school via the main entrance passing through a guard of honour made up of the staff and pupils of St Martin's on their final day.

We would love for you to meet them there and celebrate your child's last day at St Martin's. The timings of this are:

On the                              Pelicans - 2.50pm                        Orcas - 2.55pm


Year 6 SAT's Week - 13th-16th May 2024:

A letter has been sent home 9th February with information regarding CGP SATs Revision Guides available to order through the school.  We are recommending these CGP books as we have found them to be comprehensive and clear. Please see copy of letter below.


Year 6 Visit to John Wesley’s New Room: Year 6 visited John Wesley's New Room in Bristol on 14th March, as part of their history learning. They took part in a workshop and after lunch they went on a guided walk, kindly led by Michael Gorely from Historic England, where they were shown some of the places pivotal in the Transatlantic Slave Trade. The children were exceptionally well behaved and staff at the New Room and Michael said that they were a credit to the school.


Year 6 SATs Parent Presentation - Thursday 8th February 2024: in the school hall, 3.15pm - you can find a copy of the SATs presentation pdf at the bottom of this page.


Lifeskills Centre Educational Visit on 7th February 2024:  

Year 6 will be going on an educational visit to the Lifeskills Centre, Bristol next term. A letter with permission slip has been sent home with the children (please see copy below).  Please can we ask that payment contributions are completed no later than Friday 5th January 2024. The cost of the visit has been subsidised by the Fundraising Team - which has reduced the amount to £9.95 per child.


Just a reminder about some of the websites we use at school to help children learn that you can also access at home!


Times Tables Rock Stars: (pupils already have their own log in and password)
This website has links to lots of maths games that are both computer and tablet  



Username: student3749 Password: stmartins

Espresso online gives children access to useful resources to help them with their learning, covering a range of subjects.  A reminder of log in details has been sent home via email to parents.

Please click on links below for Parents Information 2023 End of Key Stage 2 Tests

Year 6 Leavers' Video: The Year 6 team put together a special video in place of their Leavers' Assembly July 2020. The pupils recorded some of their favourite memories from over the last seven years.   To watch the video uploaded on 17th July, please click on this St Martin's Official Facebook page link >>


We hope you enjoy sharing their memories and wishing them all the very best at their new schools.
