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St Martin's Church of England Primary School

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WELCOME TO ST MARTIN'S SCHOOL BLOG... where you can share Pupils, Class and School News & Activities and read up on some of the latest and upcoming Events.

"So much to celebrate"

'The children of St Martin's C of E Primary School celebrating
after their recent Ofsted inspection'

The whole school community of St Martin's School are delighted with the outcomes of their recent Ofsted inspection. We are celebrating the many positive comments in their recent Ofsted report.

A big thank you to the whole school community for their on-going support.


"I am delighted with our recent Good OFSTED Inspection result - it reflects the commitment of the highly skilled staff team and the good quality education the children receive both academically and for their individual personal development and wellbeing."

Yvonne Barnes, Headteacher


The January 2022 Ofsted Report comments that:

"Children take pride in their learning"

"Staff know the children well"

"Early years get off to a strong start"

"Leaders prioritise well-being and mental health"

"The school's Christian values underpin the schools approach to develop caring and conscientious pupils"

"Pupils feel safe and enjoy school"

"Pupils behave well showing respect to adults and each other"


please click this link for >> St Martin's Ofsted January 2022 Report

World Book Day 2023 at St Martin's:  On 3rd March, all the children and staff had a fantastic time celebrating World Book Day and enjoyed sharing lots of stories.  Each class chose a book and engaged in book themed creative activities.  They all looked amazing in their costumes!

BRISTOL OLD VIC TOURING THEATRE SCHOOL: On 23rd November, the whole school enjoyed a visit from BOVTS who performed 'Wilda and the Winter Whirlwinds'.

It was fantastic for the children to all experience live theatre in their own school and we are sure the children have all been inspired by this experience.




(Mrs Thomas - 23rd November 2022)


CHILDREN IN NEED - Fundraising Event:   

The staff and children had a lovely day supporting Children In Need

Each class had a 15 minute slot in the school hall to take part in activities; skip-a-thon, hula hoop-a-thon and keepy uppy-a-thon. Teachers noted class scores for each event and certificates given to winning classes. Thank you for all taking part and donating. We raised a fantastic amount of £513.16  

(Miss Jewell - 18th November 2022)





Harvest Assembly - Weston Foodbank donations:

Thank you again to everyone for your kind and generous donations which the children brought into school during Harvest week which were all donated to the WsM Foodbank charity, totalling 244.10kg.


We would like to share their letter of thanks to all our families and staff.







    (Reception & Key Stage 1)                            (Key Stage 2)


Year 4 Overnight Outdoor Adventure, Fernhill Farm - 30th June-1st July: 

On 30th June, Year 4 left St Martin's to embark on their Overnight Camp Adventure at Fernhill Farm run by Osprey Outdoors. They all took part in many activities including an assault course, firewood collection and a tour of part of the farm. Despite some rain during the night and early morning, the weather was very much in their favour. Not only did they all have an amazing time but the children were an absolute credit to the school and we were very proud of all of them!  (Year 4 Team)

St Martin's Celebrates Queen's Platinum Jubilee:

On the last day of term the whole school enjoyed a range of Jubilee activities including collages, party games, quizzes, a parade, picnic, crafts and cooking.  All the children wrote pledges "If we were King or Queen for the day..."     
(27th May 2022)





RED NOSE DAY 18th March 2022:


Thank you to all our families and staff for the generous Red Nose Day cash donations following our non uniform day Friday.

We raised an amazing £316.76 towards this Appeal.


Congratulations to the winners of the Joke Competition: 
Reception classes, 3BH and Year 6 Teachers


World Book Day 25th Anniversary:  St Martin’s celebrated World Book Day, sharing the love of books and reading. The children enjoyed finding new books to read through our Book Tasting Café events and all looked fantastic dressed up as their favourite book characters.
3rd March 2022

Tree Planting for The Queen’s Green Canopy: St Martin’s Eco-Warriors were excited to plant a variety of tree species around our school grounds, to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.



For many of the children this was their first experience of planting anything themselves - definitely the first encounter of planting trees. They can visit the trees regularly to watch their progress. We are grateful for the donation of 28 trees from The Woodland Trust - this experience has inspired our St Martin’s Eco-Warriors to become even more involved in caring for their local environment.


“Our aim as an eco-club is to support our planet in any way we can, from applying to become an eco-school, to litter picking and reducing waste across St Martin’s. Planting the trees and joining the green canopy movement allows us to support this aim and leave something for future school generations to admire and enjoy whilst helping our planet".

Miss Smith, Class Teacher (Eco-Club Leader) February 2022

North Somerset's Christmas Celebration:  A group of Year 3 children went to Clifton Cathedral to take part in North Somerset's Christmas Celebration. The children were all fantastic and sang 8 songs beautifully and listened carefully to the Bible readings. Some of the children then took turns at the lectern reading prayers which the children had written together in school. The leader of the celebration commented on what lovely prayers they had written and how clearly they all read.


The children were an absolute credit to our school and should be really proud of themselves!                                             
7th December 2021 (Miss Muff)

Weston Santa Trail: 

Our Reception and KS1 children have been working hard designing and painting their own Santa design this week.

Well done to Taylor in Hazel class and Matilda in Pine class whose designs were chosen.  All the children then helped to paint our St Martin's 3ft Santa which will form part of the Weston Santa Trail.

>> Weston Santa Trail Booklet downloadable pdf 


The Santa Trail went live, in and around Weston Sovereign Centre, from Saturday 27th November until Monday 3rd January.

There is a prize up for grabs of 2 tablets for the school nominated to have the best design! There is also a prize for the family who is picked out to win a '£200 spending spree' at the Sovereign Centre.

"Please look out for our St Martin's Rainbow Santa and vote for us!" 

Children In Need: On 19th November, the whole school took part in a Children In Need fundraising day. Thank you again to our families and staff for generous donations – we raised an amazing £319.14

Harvest Celebrations:  Thank you to all our families for the generous amount of donations brought into school for WsM Foodbank charity last week. Our Year 2 children led a whole school Harvest Festival Assembly and wrote their own speech explaining all about Harvest and how it is celebrated. They all spoke fantastically.

Thank you to Alvin, WsM Foodbank representative who visited Year 2 and explained how the Foodbank supports local families. The children then helped and sort donated items ready for people in need to collect.


Reception classes welcomed their parents into school for a special Harvest Assembly on Tuesday. The children had rehearsed their harvest songs over the last couple of weeks and all sang beautifully.

Miss Muff, Year 2 Teacher  (22nd October 2021)


Year 4 have created some excellent Roman artefacts and drawings for their first homework project. The Year 4 team were really impressed with their creativity and quality. We look forward to including them in our Roman museum!
(1st October 2021)

Some of our Key Stage 1 children enjoying their yummy hot chocolates - served up on 'Hot Chocolate Fridays' organised by the St Martin's Fundraising Team for the whole school to take part in.

(1st October 2021)


Year 6 Residential Camp 5th-9th July 2021: The Year 6 children had an amazing week at Grittleton House. The camp was a huge success this year and this was the first time we have used this venue. The children took part in a fantastic range of activities during their stay. We look forward to taking our new Year 6 classes in September.   
(Year 6 Team/ 15th July 2021)


Year 4 Overnight Camp Adventure 1st and 2nd July: Year 4 had an amazing time at Osprey Camp! They took part in an assault course, enjoyed den building, fire wood collecting, cricket and a farm tour. The children had the opportunity to play games around the camp site, create gods eyes and play in the forest area.

The children were a credit to the school and staff were incredibly impressed. The Year 4 Team hope they enjoyed it as much as they did! The children returned to school for shared a picnic lunch provided by our Kitchen Team.


Forest Schools at Worlebury Woods:

Year 5 Forest School group enjoying a minibeast hunt, recognising trees blindfolded and making s’mores with Mrs Walters and Miss Chedzoy.

(14th May 2021)


The 5C Forest School group enjoyed 'Survival Week', working as a team to build themselves a shelter. They also learnt how to safely chop and split wood ready for firewood.

(11th June 2021)

Bikeability Training: Well done to the Year 6 cycle groups who all completed their Level 2 Bikeability Training in Term 5. Life Cycle trainers Shena, Gillian and Simon complimented the children on their hard work and fantastic behaviour during their training. The children were all awarded their Level 2 certificates and badges during Achievement Assemblies. The training aims to develop children’s riding skills and confidence.

Well done to everyone at St Martin’s who took part in the 'England Does The Daily Mile' event on 30th April.
The national event aims to raise awareness about better mental health. All of the children and staff had so much fun as they ran ‘The Daily Mile’ in their year group bubbles throughout the day and the sun was shining!





St Martin's School ranked 3rd in North Somerset is such an achievement! We are absolutely delighted to be able to share this with you all. Well done to everyone who has been part of our journey.

Click on the following link to


The Real School's Guide 2019 - it gives parents a more comprehensive insight than ever into how Primary Schools are ranked.                                  


World Book Day 4th March: Children enjoyed celebrating books and reading for pleasure through various activities their teachers organised, both at school and home learning.

Cooking with Chartwells: This week Reception and Year 3 classes enjoyed a visit from Chartwells who came in to show them how to create their own pizzas. The children made pizza dough, chose their toppings and had it cooked for them to taste. They thoroughly enjoyed it, thank you Chartwells!

Mrs Bassett, Y3 Teacher (17th March 2021) 

Ancient Mayan Civilisation Topic: Our Year 5 pupils have been learning about the Maya civilisation who lived  in Mesoamerica (now Mexico and Central America).
The Maya discovered a huge amount about astronomy. They developed a calendar system based on their observations of the sun and sky, and created art work based on the sun and the moon. Our Year Fives were inspired to create their own pictures! Here is a selection of their finished pieces.


Mrs Evans, Y5 Teacher (12th February 2021)


DT Rainforest Project Term 3: Year 3 have shown so much creativity during their weekly Rainforest Project. The children have also shown resilience and perseverance when using Google Classroom, and the Year 3 Team are constantly amazed at the work that the children are turning in daily. Here are some of their fantastic creations. 


Mrs Emery, Y3 Teacher (2nd February 2021)


Santa Run: Over the last two weeks the children and staff have attempted to run/walk the distance from St Martin's to the North Pole. They were all given a Santa hat to get them into the Christmas spirit. It was going to be a tough challenge as we started late in the term.


The children had great fun and made a fantastic effort in completing 1,754 miles of the 2,600 mile journey - burning a massive 175,000 calories. We think they have all earned a few treats over the Christmas period. A big well done to everyone for taking part!

(18th December) PE Team


As the school choir children would usually visit local Care Homes to sing carols, this year all the children at St Martin's have taken part in designing Christmas cards to be shared with residents at several local Care Homes. They also created decorations for Weston General Hospital. We have delivered over 400 which the children enjoyed making. The cards included greetings, poems and Christmas jokes for Care Home residents.


The children also painted Snow Globes, designed Angels and Snowmen pictures which were all laminated to be used as decorations arounds the hospital.




(14th December 2020)


Year 2 Pine and Hazel class children completed some fantastic Great Fire of London homework. Here are a few of their amazing pictures. Also, the children each wrote a fire poem which were then put together to create their fire display.
Amazing work Year 2!




Miss Muff, Y2 Teacher (19th November 2020)


Anti-Bullying Week 16th-20th November: It was wonderful to see so many children wearing their odd socks to help us raise awareness and celebrate ‘Odd Socks Day’. We also held a special virtual assembly for National Anti-Bullying week.


Our class 3E children made their own bullying stop signs which they’ve put in their classroom windows.                 


Children In Need: 

St Martin’s supported Children In Need on 13th November. We held a non uniform day - children and staff were all invited to come to school choosing to wear any of the colours linked to the ‘5 Ways To Wellbeing’ to fundraise for BBC Children in Need.


We raised a fantastic £463.44 - thank you again for your amazing support.


Here's class 3E with some of their Pudsey masks which the children created.

Mrs Emery, Year 3 Teacher


Term 1 Parents' Evening Telephone Calls: Your child’s class teacher will be sending out an online booking form via SchoolPing this week, offering various dates and times after school.

Please log in to your SchoolPing account to secure your telephone appointment (please include your preferred contact number in the comments area).   

Simon Marriott (8th October 2020)


New Reception Intake:  A huge well done to our Reception children for completing their first week full-time with us at St Martin’s.

They have all settled in really well and we are very proud of them!

Reception Team (25th September 2020)


During the first weeks back at school all the children have been taking part in a project based on ‘Here we Are’ - a book by Oliver Jeffers. Their final task was to write notes for planet earth giving advice to anyone who lives here. We used them to create this amazing display.

(24th September 2020)


Summary Report and Teacher Telephone Consultations

Message sent home via SchoolPing to all Parents/Carers on 22nd June 2020:

This year, we will not be able to send our usual end of year report because the children have not attended school formally for such a large amount of time.


We have therefore changed our reporting system for this year to take account of the lockdown. We will send a report summary - this will add some further detail to the written summaries sent in April. (Some aspects may be the same as teachers may not have enough evidence to add further detail).


In addition to this, we will offer each family a 10 minute telephone discussion with their class teacher to discuss the child/ren. Some teachers have already sent out their Booking Information via SchoolPing, others will follow shortly. Please sign up for a 10 minute slot and please provide the telephone number you would like us to use - this can be added in the comments area when you book your time slot.


These meetings will be staggered over the rest of term and the written Report Summary will be sent to you during the final week of Term 6.


Simon Marriott

Phased Wider Reopening Of School: We are all so proud of how well our Reception, Year 6 and pupils of key workers have returned to St Martin’s throughout this week.  It’s been lovely to see the children settling back in and they have all been absolutely brilliant!! ⭐️


On Monday 15th June we look forward to welcoming back our Year 1 pupils who have confirmed their attendance. 


Parents/Carers who had selected for their child's return were sent out a SchoolPing message on 5th June. The message includes a letter confirming drop off/pick up times and arrangements for Seahorse, Jellyfish and Starfish bubble groups. 

12th June 2020

Video Message for Reception families returning to St Martin’s from 8th June - showing our new drop off and collection routines:

Below is a link to a video created by our Reception Team. Please share this with your child as it shows the new routine they will have when they join us.
We’re really looking forward to seeing them and hope this will support them in their return.  Thank you.


You can also watch this short video via our St Martin’s Facebook page:


Miss Houghton, Reception Team

(5th June 2020)


A Special Message from All The Staff at St Martin’s:
We have uploaded a special video message onto our St Martin's Facebook page to share with you, from all the staff at St Martin's.

To enjoy our video message please click on the following link >>



A huge well done to our Reception children for completing their first week full-time with us at St Martin’s. They have all settled in really well and the Reception Team are very proud of them! 


(25th September 2020)




Ski Group 2020 update: They completed their final day of skiing today and all 46 children skied a run together this afternoon. They have all done really well and achieved so much, from complete beginners to everyone skiing down blue slopes by mid week.  During the week the children watched a ski and light show where instructors performed tricks and jumps on the slopes. They also enjoyed a Games Night and finished with a Disco earlier this evening. Late breakfast tomorrow before their return journey and flight to Bristol. 

6th March, Ski Group 2020 




Ski Trip 2020 group are all having an amazing time. They arrived at Alpe D’Huez on Saturday - completed their ski fit with boots, ski’s, poles and helmets ready for Day 1 skiing on Sunday. 

They’ve enjoyed plenty of fresh snow, blue skies and stopped to watch some ice hockey on the way back to their hotel.  Quiz and games night this evening, after dinner. Planning for Ski Trip 2021 is already underway - details will be sent out to parents and carers via our SchoolPing message system.  

3rd March, Ski Group 2020



The Young Carers Charity hosted an assembly at St Martin’s recently.  To support the charity our School Council organised a ‘Coin Challenge’.  The children were all invited to bring in spare coins and they placed them to spell out the words ‘Thank You’ in the hall. 

Thank you to everyone for their support with our challenge and to the School Council for organising this event.  We‘ll let you know how much we raised shortly.

13th February 2020, Mrs Thomas & School Council


Dinosaur Museum:   Year 1 children showcased their work from their ‘Dinosaur’ topic, creating a Museum. Classes came to visit their Museum on 17th January. Year 1 invited their families and were very excited and enthusiastic to share all of their knowledge about dinosaurs and amazing models they created.

It was a fantastic celebration of the children's learning and we received some lovely comments from their families.   "Amazing Museum - we've learned so much!  The models were very impressive and realistic…just like the Natural History Museum!  Thank you for sharing your project. Wow!”

17th January , Year 1 Team


Children in Need: This event was a great success at St Martin's School! The Year 4 School Councillors and St Martin’s Fundraising Team members led the fundraising activities in the hall brilliantly. The children raised £679.92 for BBC Children in Need this year! Thank you all so much for your support and donations.

15th November 2019



Reception Performances the ‘Noisy Nativity’: Well done to both of our Reception classes, Ash and Elm, who put on fantastic performances to their parents, carers and families this week. We had some lovely comments from our parents, carers and families:

“Brilliant Nativity, well done all Reception class. Well worth the 50 mile journey!!” “Wow! I can’t believe they are only Reception children. What a terrific performance!” “Best ever Nativity we’ve seen, well done to all the staff. Excellent!”

6th December, Reception Team


Raise The Roof: Year 3 and Year 4 children from St Martin’s, Worle Village and Worlebury St Paul’s came together for ‘Raise the Roof’. The children had learnt songs about saving the planet and created things to wear made out of recycling.


They all performed beautifully! A big thank you to Anne Clough from North Somerset Music Service for teaching us the songs and leading the performance.

27th November 2019


Today, Weston-super-Mare Foodbank sent a thank you note for the support and donations received from St Martin's.  Over 218kgs of food was donated - thank you to all our parents, carers and families for all your s

upport and donations.

15th November 2019


Remembrance Service:  A huge thank you and congratulations to our Year 5 children for a superb Remembrance Assembly today!  The children did themselves proud with a very thought provoking presentation and beautiful singing this morning. It gave us all a great deal to think about.

Well done Year 5!

Miss Jewell, Year 4 Teacher:

11th November 2019


Harvest Assembly and Reception Harvest Celebration: At the end of Term 1 children at St Martin's welcomed Frederique and Alvin from the Weston-super-Mare Foodbank to their Harvest Celebration, led by the Year 2 pupils.  


Thank you to everyone who brought in food items, also to the Foodbank representatives who explained all about the local Foodbank charity. 


The Reception class parents and carers were invited to a Harvest Celebration on 24th October.  This was their first performance to an audience and we are very proud of them, well done! Thank you to all our parents, carers and family who were able to come along and support their event.  

Mrs Thomas, Year 2 Teacher:

8th November 2019


Drum Workshop:  The Year 5 classes all had an opportunity to play a range of African Drums and percussions instruments during a workshop at the start of Term 2. The children enjoyed it and will continue to use the school African Drums during the remainder of the year.  

Thank you to Roger Sansom from the North Somerset Music Service who led the workshop.

Year 5 Team:
8th November 2019


New Reception Starters: Well done to the Reception children who have settled in smoothly and confidently into their classes. The reception team has really enjoyed getting to know the children and are pleased with how well they are doing.

Our caretakers have built a special welly stand for the reception classes. The children will be using their wellies on the Welly Walk to St Martin’s Church and for outdoor play.


Mrs Cottis and Miss Houghton, Reception Class Teachers:

27th September 2019


Congratulations to again to our Gardening Club! They received 3rd Prize for their entry into the Weston-super-Mare Horticultural Society Plant a Wheelbarrow Competition.  On 11th October the children visited the Mayor's Parlour and were each given a medal during a prize giving ceremony.  They met the Mayor and Lady Mayoress, Councillor Mark Canniford and Mrs Estelle Canniford.

They saw photos of the original house, grounds, silverware and previous Mayors.  The children enjoyed refreshments and snacks before returning to school.

Mrs Baker, Year 4 LSA

14th October 2019


Year 4 Music Lessons: The Year 4 classes are really enjoying their trumpet lessons this term. Thank you Mr Sansom from North Somerset Music Service for coming in to introduce trumpets to us as part of the Music Service Prelude Programme.


Year 4 Team:

11th September 2019


WOW - School Challenge:  The Walk to School Challenge is back at St Martin's again this year, starting on Monday 9th September!  It is being delivered by the Living Streets UK charity, encouraging as many children and their families to travel more sustainably and experience the benefits that walking, cycling or scooting to school brings. You can Park & Stride if you live too far away or don’t have time to walk the whole way to school.


WOW is a pupil-led initiative. With up to 11 different badges to be collected until the end of this school year. To earn a badge children need to travel sustainably (walk, scoot, cycle, park & stride) to school twice a week. The children enjoyed a special visit from 'Strider' during our Living Streets Assembly last week. For more info please visit

“Let’s swap those school runs for school walks.”


Mrs Chadwick, Year 5 Teacher / PSHE:

6th September 2019

Healthy Schools Status 2019:  St Martin’s has been awarded Healthy School Status 2019 in recognition of our ongoing promotion of physical and mental wellbeing, engaging with the North Somerset Healthy Schools Network for two years.

Ms Barnes: 23rd July 2019

St Peter's Pre-School relocating to St Martin's School from September 2019:  We are delighted to announce that St Peter's Pre-School will be joining us from September,  currently based at St Peter's Church Hall, Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare.  The Pre-School has vacancies for children aged 3-4 years old and a limited number of 2 year old spaces. 


  • You can call Gill Palfrey on 07963 279251 to reserve your child's place
  • For further information please email:


Leaflets are available from our main school office Reception Foyer area.

Celebration of Learning Event - 11th July: 

St Martin's held an Celebration of Learning Event at St Martin's School.  We had a fantastic turnout and it was wonderful to see so many parents and families come along to share and celebrate children's work and successes from this past year.

The school looked amazing with all of the art projects on display which the children had completed during their Art Weeks. 


We were treated to music performances in the hall by the School Choir, Y2 Singing and Dance Group.  There were lots of fun activities for everyone to enjoy, library activities, sports in the gym, Y3 Rain Forest Cafe, Y6 shared Science experiments, fundraising raffle organised by the School Council and the BBQ was popular as were the ice creams.  Thank you to everyone who attended our special evening and also to the staff and governors for their hard work.

Decorated Wheelbarrow Competition: 

Congratulations to the Environmental Club who have been awarded 3rd place in the Weston Horticultural Society Schools Wheelbarrow Competition. The decorated wheelbarrow will be on display at the Horticultural Show in August. 

Miss Daniels: 23rd July 2019

Kaleidoscope MAT Science Fair: St Martin's hosted a Science Fair yesterday and today.  Our pupils in Years 1 to 6 took turns to visit along with children from some of our other MAT schools.  They enjoyed having a go on the smoothie bike, learning about robotics, magnets and electricity plus much much more. Thank you to the Kaleidoscope Science Network for all their hard in planning and organising the fair.  Special thanks to the following organisations whose staff attended our Science Fair; Wessex Water, STEM, MOD, Chartwells Catering, University of Bristol, Joe Richardson Space Detective and Weston Museum for their display of archaeology artefacts.

Mrs Organ (5th July 2019)


Year 5 & 6 Level 2 cycle training Term 6:  Well done to our cycle groups who have now completed their Level 2 cycle training organised by Life Cycle UK. They received their badges and Bikeability packs and were awarded with their Certificates in our end of year Achievement Assembly. 


Mrs Chadwick/Ms Somers (23rd July 2019)


Scooter Workshops: The Year 2 classes welcomed Neville from For2Feet who took groups of children onto the back playground to polish up their Scooter Skills. The sessions are designed to increase childrens’ safety when out on their scooters as part of our 'Walk to School' initiative. The children then went out with him onto the pavements around the school so they could assess risks in the real world. The children had a fantastic time and the workshop sessions were a brilliant success.

(Miss Hodge Year 2 Teacher: 17th June)


Year 4 Overnight Camp: The Year 4 pupils took part in an overnight camping trip to Fernhill Farm and enjoyed a range of outdoor activities including the much anticipated assault course, games and farm tour. The visit was a great success and the children ended the day with hot chocolate and marshmallows around the camp fire. For many children this was their first experience of camping and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves and all had a fantastic experience. The children were a credit to our school and their behaviour was praised by the Osprey camp staff.


Bikeability Cycle Training:  Well done to the groups of Year 5 and 6 children who took part in Level 1 Cycle Proficiency and skills check at the start of Term 6.  The children will complete a further 4 sessions to gain their Level 2.  The cycle proficiency training is delivered by Life Cycle UK qualified instructors. 








WOW Walk to School Challenge:  St. Martin’s is excited to be taking part in a fantastic nationwide challenge to encourage more children and their families to walk to school year-round. A ‘Living Streets’ representative hosted an assembly to talk to the whole school about the ‘Walk to School Challenge’ - looking to get as many children as possible experiencing the benefits walking to school brings. 

“Join us, thousands of schools and around one million pupils enjoying the benefits of walking to school across the UK.  Let’s swap those school runs for school walks”.










Mrs Chadwick/Miss Hodge: PSHE/Travel/Healthy Schools (7th June 2019)



Year 5 First Aid Training: Our Year 5 classes completed their first aid learning with St John Ambulance during Term 5. Each class completed a day of training which included the primary survey (DRABC), recovery position, dealing with choking, dressing a wound etc. Well done to our Year 5 pupils!


The St John Ambulance trainer commented on how much she had enjoyed working with the children at St Martin’s School.

Year 5 Team (16th May 2019)




North Somerset Dance Festival Term 4: Our Year 2 Dance Group pupils performed at the Weston Playhouse Theatre. A fantastic well done to all of the children who took part – they were absolutely amazing and a credit to our school and their families. Thank you to all the staff who supported in rehearsal and helped behind the scenes on the night. 

Miss Muff (27th March 2019)


Maths Challenge Term 4:  8 of our Y4 and Y5 children took part in a Maths Challenge against other schools within our Kaleidoscope MAT. The challenge was held at Becket School and the children worked collaboratively, in teams of 4, answering questions on fluency, reasoning and problem solving. All the children who took part did brilliantly. Well done to our St Martin’s Team A who came joint 2nd - Adam Z, Isobel S, Amelie T, Maciek L, Tristin D, Michail O, Jamillah R, Maria G.

Mrs Jones (27th March 2019)

Watoto Choir Visit: St Martin’s received a visit from the Watoto Choir who performed dances and songs to the whole school. The choir is a group of Ugandan orphaned children who have been rescued from living on the streets and are placed into a foster family. They are provided with education, medication and a church community. The photos really don’t show the amazing energy and enthusiasm they shared with us. They were an absolutely inspirational group of children who were a delight to have visit us at St Martin’s.   

Mrs Clements/Mrs Campbell (14th February 2019) 


NSPCC Groovy Moves: St Martin’s School raised a fantastic amount of £1,674.06 for this charity, thank you to everyone who participated and for your generous support. Congratulations to class 4O who had the most sponsorship participants. 
(February 2019)


Some fantastic art work happening in Year 6 today to inspire their writing - clay and sketched dragon eyes and oil pastel dragon tails, scales and feathers. These magical creatures will be making an appearance in the books they are going to be writing this term!

Year 6 (10th January 2019)

Visit to MP John Penrose Surgery at The Campus:   Well done to Ollie, Erick and Kyle who presented their ideas on ‘reducing plastic pollution in Weston-super-Mare’ to John Penrose MP at his surgery at The Campus.  Y6 classes have worked on this as part of their theme “Does the world need saving?” They represented the School brilliantly in their presentation and had a really mature conversation about their findings and concerns afterwards. They also delivered letters written by the rest of Y6 for Mr Penrose to read.

John Penrose later shared his thoughts about the discussion on Twitter

Mrs J Campbell (14th December)

Centenary Y2 Poppy display at St Martin’s Church (Nov 2018)


Centenary Y2 Poppy display at St Martin’s Church (November 2018)

15th-19th October 2018 Year 6 Morfa Bay Residential Camp 

You can visit our St Martins Facebook page to view Year 6 Morfa Bay updates and uploads from the week's residential camp >>

(Year 6 Team)

Year 6 Sand Point Visit: Y6 classes all enjoyed their visit to Sand Point where they found lots of little fossils on the beach at Middle Hope Beach as part of their geography work.  The children participated in a variety of activities to develop team building and had an opportunity to apply their recently learnt Geography skills in field sketching, map work and classification.


Mrs Campbell, Year 6 Teacher  (2nd October 2018)


The children of St Martin’s Gardening Club were very busy last term planting and maintaining a wheelbarrow for the Horticultural Society ‘Plant a Wheelbarrow’ Competition for Schools 2018. We have now donated it to Summer Lane Care Home for the residents to enjoy.  

“This morning we had a lovely visit from St Martin's school staff. They brought us a beautiful, full of colours and fragrances wheelbarrow,  prepared by the children of St Martin's Gardening Club.  Thanks!!!!       Summer Lane Care Home (8th August 2018)

Year 3 Egyptian Exhibition: The Year 3 children completed their Ancient Egypt Topic by holding an Ancient Egyptian Exhibition in the School Hall at the end of term. Parents were invited to come along to school to share the Year 3 classes Egyptian models, hieroglyphics and artwork. Parents and visitors had an opportunity to browse the stalls before voting for their favourite stand.  Thank you to our parent/carers for such a good turn out.   

(Friday 20th July - Year 3 Team)


Celebration of Learning Evening:
 We had a fantastic turnout for our Celebrating Learning event again this year, which proved to be a huge success.  Parents were able to experience learning first-hand as well as see their children's work, successes and also art projects completed during Art Week.  The school looked amazing with all of the children’s work on display.  We were treated to music performances in the Hall, lots of fun activities, Fundraising Raffle, an Auction and the BBQ was popular as were the ice creams.  Thank you to everyone who attended our special evening and thank you also to the staff and Governors for making the event possible. 

(10th July 2018)

Kaleidoscope Year 6 Event

On Friday, Year 6 children from all of the Kaleidoscope schools went to Hutton for the afternoon. Each school sang a song from their Year 6 productions and two joint songs to finish. Our children delivered a fantastic performance, It was a great event and Hutton provided drink and cake too.

S Marriott (6/7/18)

Royal Wedding Celebrations 18th May 2018: Our Children really enjoyed the Royal Wedding Celebration. Thank you to our parents/carers for supplying the cakes, food and drinks. Our Royal Wedding Bake-Off competition was wonderful with some amazing cakes entered. Congratulations to our Winners of the Bake-Off Competition: 

1st Prize Roman H - Ash Class

2nd Prize Maya and Harmony H - Classes 6U and 5JM

3rd Prize Jacob R - Class 4G

Winners were announced in the following Achievement Assembly, each presented with a Certificate. Thank you again to everyone who took part, we were amazed by the standard of the entries into the competition last week.

(25th May 2018)

Reception Model Village

Our Reception Model Village opened today and a queue of parents/carers and grandparents were amazed how impressive it looked. The detail of the models and how hard the children have worked on them was really appreciated.

You can click on the link below to enjoy a short video showing some of the models which the children had made in Reception classes.

S Marriott (17th March)

Reception Model Village

Still image for this video