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St Martin's Church of England Primary School

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Shark Class - Miss Hodge/Mrs Jones

Orcas Class - Miss Upham/Mrs Thomas


CURRICULUM OVERVIEW: For the latest Curriculum Termly Topic for Year 5, please see links at the bottom of this page.

For Subject Overviews, Year Group Overviews and Learning Organisers please visit our >> Curriculum page


2024/2025 EVENTS:


NSSPEA Physical Literacy Event - 30th November: A team of Year 5 children attended the NSSPEA Physical literacy event, taking part in a range of multi skills activities. St Martin's did an amazing job with Scarlett getting first place for the girls and George runner up for the boys. Well done!




2023/2024 EVENTS:

Year 5 have been working brilliantly in pairs to develop their skills in accurate measuring, sawing and joining wood. They then put the skills together to make a catapult with a working lever. Their teachers were really proud of the way they collaborated on this project and there were some excellent results!



Year 5 - Milton Baptist Church: 5L and 5ME classes visited Milton Baptist Church during Term 2 where they learned about the events leading up to Christmas through a series of exciting interactive activities.

We would like to thank the volunteers from the church for giving up their time and making this visit so enjoyable.

Year 5 and Year 4 Disco - Monday 12th December at 5.00pm: 

This event will take place in the main school hall, organised by St Martin's Fundraising Team.


Worle Community School Visit on Thursday 15th December:

The Year 5 classes will be visiting Worle Community School for a Christmas Performance at the end of this term (letter sent home, please see copy below).


Year 5 Explorer Dome Visit 17th November:  Year 5 had a really exciting morning in the Explorer Dome, as part of their Science theme - Light. They found out more about what light is and where it comes from, how it travels and how we see.

The inside of the dome was really dark, which was perfect for finding out about colour mixing and reflection. All the children thoroughly enjoyed the session and impressed us with what they had already learnt. Thank you to Matt and Amy Explorer Dome presenters.



Special Remembrance Assembly: 

We are extremely proud of all the children in Year 5 who led our St Martin's Remembrance Day assembly.

They presented information they had researched and performed poetry to the whole school to explain the importance of this day. The whole school observed a 2 minute silence.


2021/2022 DATES & EVENTS


Year 5 WOW Day on 12th July 2022: 

Dressed up as Evacuees and soldiers, Year 5 had a wonderful World War 2 WOW Day. As part of the special occasion, Year 5 did some drawing, codebreaking and completed a quiz! The children also enjoyed an excellent World War 2 workshop from a special visitor all the way from 1940. He taught them ‘The Lambeth Walk’, helped the children make a ‘Bicycle built for two’ and they found out it was ‘A Long Way to Tipperary!’ After sheltering in the Underground they waited for the ‘all clear’ from the air-raid siren.

Overall, this was a really enjoyable day and our special guest told the teachers how enthusiastic and well behaved the children were.


DISCO EVENT on 5th April 3.00-4.45pm: For more information on the Year 5 Disco Event, please see copy of letter at the bottom of this page (details also sent out via SchoolPing on 22nd March).


STEM Workshop - March 2022: The Class 5E children took part in a STEM Workshop led by Miss Chadwick from UWE, where they found out what it means to be an Engineer.

They worked in groups as engineers to design and create the strongest bridge they could. They were only given 10 lolly sticks, 15 pieces of sticky tape and 1 piece of newspaper. We tested the bridges and were amazed that most of them could hold up to 3kg!





Drama Workshop with Worle School:  Over the last three terms, Year 5 have been working with Mrs Miller, who teaches drama at Worle Community School. They have enjoyed developing their team work and collaborative skills through some quite challenging games which we can continue to use in the classroom.
Both the staff and Mrs Miller were really impressed with the way the children worked together.



World Book Day 25th Anniversary - 3rd March: 

Year 5 children enjoyed finding new books to read through Book Tasting Café events. They all looked fantastic dressed up as their favourite book characters.



Year 5 Bread Making: At the end of Term 2, Year 5 made fruited bread rolls as part of their food technology learning, in order to practice the skill of kneading. They learned how this makes the dough more elastic so that their finished product was light and airy. It was important to use the heels of their hands to work hard to get the best quality possible. Well done Year 5 bakers!


Explorer Dome Visit: During Term 2, Year 5 had the incredible opportunity of going inside the Explorer Dome. Once inside, the children learnt lots of interesting information all about ‘Light’. The instructors were incredibly impressed with the knowledge the children were able to share from their learning on this topic throughout the term. It was a fantastic and enriching experience for them all and one the children certainly won’t forget. 


2020/2021 DATES & EVENTS

Football Tournament 10th & 11th November

Year 5 and 6 Teams



Forest Schools at Worlebury Woods:

During Term 6 the 5C Forest School group enjoyed 'Survival Week', working as a team to build themselves a shelter. They also learnt how to safely chop and split wood ready for firewood. 

When the weather put a stop to the children being able to visit the forest one week, we brought the forest to the children!  The 5JE group enjoyed being creative with leaf rubbing and sketching mini-beasts.
They also created 'Natures Pallet' by only using plants and flowers found in the forest.  Look at the many different colours they found!



In Term 5 the Year 5 Forest School group took part in a minibeast hunt, recognising trees blindfolded and enjoyed making s’mores with Mrs Walters and Miss Chedzoy during their weekly Forest Schools




Term 1: Year 5 Writing Rivers 


Ancient Mayan Civilisation Topic Term 3: Year 5 have been learning about the Maya civilisation who lived  in Mesoamerica (now Mexico and Central America).
The Maya discovered a huge amount about astronomy. They developed a calendar system based on their observations of the sun and sky, and created art work based on the sun and the moon. Our Year Fives were inspired to create their own pictures! Here is a selection of their finished pieces.



Drum Workshop:  The Year 5 classes all had an opportunity to play a range of African Drums and percussions instruments during a workshop. The children enjoyed it and will continue to use the school African Drums during the remainder of the year.  


Thank you to Roger Sansom from the North Somerset Music Service who led the workshop.



(Solar System - Year 5 topic display)

Just a reminder about some of the websites we use at school to help children learn that you can also access at home!


Times Tables Rock Stars: (pupils already have their own log in and password)
This website has links to lots of maths games that are both computer and tablet  



Username: student3749 Password: stmartins

Espresso online gives children access to useful resources to help them with their learning, covering a range of subjects.  A reminder of log in details has been sent home via email to parents.
