Welcome to Reception!
Dolphin Class - Miss Muff
CURRICULUM OVERVIEW: For the latest Curriculum Termly Topic for Reception please see links at the bottom of this page.
For Subject Overviews, Year Group Overviews and Learning Organisers please visit our >> Curriculum page
Reception and Year 1 Nativity Performances - 10th December and 12th December:
A huge well done again to our Reception and Year 1 children on their fabulous Nativity Performances. We had some lovely written comments from families after the Nativity plays:
“The children were all wonderful and the staff too… Fantastic, great singing, dancing and acting.. Wicked show! Lovely performance … Brilliant!”
During Parents’ Evenings 17th and 19th October, parents and carers were invited to the Reception and Year 1 Dinosaur fossil and homework project display, all made by the wonderful Phase 1 children. The models and posters the children have made were absolutely fantastic - a display not to be missed!
St Martin's Day - Reception and Year 1 children: visit to St Martin's Church on Friday 10th November (pupil event)
Diwali Day - Reception and Year 1 children: taking place at school on Friday 24th November (pupil event)
Nativity Performances to parents - Reception and Year 1 children:
Tuesday 12th December 2.15pm in school
Wednesday 13th December 9.15am in school
Thursday 14th December 9.15am in school
Details have been sent home and a copy of letter sent via SchoolPing
2022/2023 Events
Oak and Elm classes enjoyed practicing their observational drawing skills
around the school grounds:
Albie, Archie, Billie, Bluebell, Olivia and Spencer were awarded certificates for their amazing Home Learning:
Fairy Tale Wow Day: Year 1 and Reception classes had an amazing Fairy Tale Wow Day. Year 1 all dressed up as fairy tale characters, made and decorated gingerbread men. They listened to traditional fairy tale stories, made wolf masks and played ‘What’s The Time Mr Wolf’. They had an extremely busy day!
Explorer Dome Visit to St Martin's - January 2023:
Explorer Dome visited the Reception and Year 1 classes at school on 9th January. The children participated in an exciting interactive science show – the theme of their session was based on ‘Light’. Thank you to Amy and Josh, Explorer Dome representatives.
Reception Nativity Performances:
On 7th and 8th December, Oak and Elm Reception pupils performed their Nativity ‘A Miracle in Town’ at the start of December. The singing was amazing, they all spoke clearly and the children all looked absolutely fantastic in their costumes.
We received some lovely comments from parents and families;
absolutely amazing performance, super job everyone, so well-staged and sung throughout, you are all superstars, wonderful show well done children and teachers.
Reception and Year 1 Disco - Monday 12th December at 3.00pm. This event will take place in the main school hall, organised by St Martin's Fundraising Team.
2021/2022 Events
Reception Virtual Aquarium Experience - Monday 4th July:
As part of our topic 'Who lives under the sea?' Reception will have the opportunity to have a virtual aquarium experience from the National Marine Aquarium on 4th July. The theme of the session is 'enchanted seas'. Please see below a copy of letter sent home with a request for £3.20 parent contribution payable via www.parentpay.com
Reception Educational Visit to Berkeley Castle on 4th May 2022:
Reception enjoyed visiting Berkeley Castle as part of their topic "Who lives in a Castle?" They had a guided tour of the Castle and found out lots of interesting facts!
Reception represented St Martin's fantastically and members of the public complimented them for how sensible they were. Well done Reception!
3E Guided Reading with Reception children who showed amazing listening skills and asked lots of questions about the story. 3E loved reading to Reception and hope to do it again soon!
World Book Day 25th Anniversary - 3rd March:
Reception children enjoyed book activities throughout the day and all looked fantastic dressed up as their favourite book characters.
The Reception classes enjoyed a visit from the police, a firefighter and a nurse during Term 3, as part of their learning about 'people who help us'.
The children found out how the police keep people in the community safe and had the opportunity to try on some of the uniform. They were very excited to sit in the police car and hear the sirens! The police officers said the Reception children listened extremely well and asked some very good questions.
The children also made bumble bees and hedgehogs with the Nurse for her to display at Great Ormond Street Hospital on their Bumble Bee and Hedgehog Wards.
The Reception classes also received a visit from Vicar Jon, sharing about his role within the community at St Martin’s Church. To celebrate our learning, the children dressed up in the uniform for the job they would like to do when they are older.
Diwali - Festival of Light: The Reception children had a special visitor on 12th November, Mrs Mistry, who taught them all about ‘Diwali’ the festival of light. The children helped tell the story using puppets and musical instruments and they completed lots of Diwali art activities.
The dancing and dressing up was the best part and everyone joined in with lots of enthusiasm. It was an amazing day!
Welly Walk to St Martin's Church: On Remembrance Day the Reception children went on a welly walk to St Martin’s Church carrying the lanterns they had made. They learnt about what a Church is and saw the stained glass window of St Martin. The children sang a song beautifully and had a fantastic time.
Reception Welly Walk - Term 1: The Reception children went on a welly walk around the school to spot the signs of Autumn. They collected nature's treasures to bring back to the classroom to use as part of their learning. The children enjoyed using the autumn checklist and magnifying glasses to help them on their hunt.
During Term 1 Reception have been learning about what makes them special.
The children all worked very hard and have persevered to paint some beautiful self portraits. They showed lots of resilience skills as they kept checking their features in the mirror before painting.
(Reception Classes Easter Bonnet Parade - Term 4)
This week Reception have been learning all about habitats!
The children have all been incredibly creative and focused. Here are some of the fantastic shoebox displays that they have made. Well done Reception!
(Reception Team 5th March 2021)
Phonics Workshop: For any parents/carers who were unable to attend any phonics workshops, you can have a look at the following Youtube videos which will explain the phonics sounds, actions and blending.
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In time, your child will get an opportunity to take their class friend 'Zack the Zebra' or 'Harry the Hippo' home and share your experiences. We ask you to record the visit in a simple diary which we will read when the Class Friend is returned to school. If you are visiting somewhere exciting let us know and you can take the class friend along too!
The children will settle into various routines, please be patient with them (and us) if they come out without some of their belongings. We do our best to ensure they have all of their belongings before leaving the class. If they need to collect anything from the classroom we ask that you wait until all the children have been handed to their parents and carers. We want to ensure ALL children are safely handed over to the correct adult. Your child’s safety is of paramount importance to us. Thank you for your co-operation.
School equipment is only for use in school hours whilst supervised by staff, please ensure your children do not use the equipment before and after the school day.
Children can bring in a piece of Fresh Fruit in a named container to eat during afternoon snack. Water is available in school throughout the day in a named individual water bottle which school provided.
If you are providing a packed lunch for your child we ask that it is sympathetic to our Healthy Schools policy. For delicious, healthy and nutritious lunch box ideas please check out the NHS website, http://www.nhs.uk/Change4Life/Pages/healthy-lunchbox-picnic.aspx Thank you again for your co-operation.
We have a number of children who are allergic to nuts, therefore we are a nut free zone in school and ask that lunch-boxes do not contain them. This includes peanut butter, chocolate and hazelnut spread and any cereal bars containing nuts. Your cooperation in this matter is most appreciated.
We will begin home learning in a few weeks time, please comment and sign the home learning sheet. Home learning will be given out on a Friday and due in on Wednesday.
We will be completing electronic learning diaries. All of our observations of your child’s learning will be captured using an Ipad and sent to a secure website where we are able to look carefully at their progress and plan specifically for their next steps. We would like to share your child’s learning with you, if you would like to receive online updates please ensure you have completed the consent form and have provided your current email address. Feel free to make comments on the observations and send back to us, we are in partnership with you as your child learns.