Welcome to Year 3!
Stingray Class - Mrs Organ
Seal Class - Mrs Maynard
Sea Otter Class - Mrs Ellis/Miss Saunders
CURRICULUM OVERVIEW: For the latest Curriculum Termly Topic for Year 3, please see links at the bottom of this page.
For Subject Overviews, Year Group Overviews and Learning Organisers please visit our >> Curriculum page
2024/2025 Events:
The Year 3 and Year 4 children have an upcoming educational visit to the Bristol Museum on Tuesday 14th January 2025 as part of their Volcanoes and Rocks topic next term. The visit will supplement and enrich the children's learning in this area, in school and at home. Children will take part in an exclusive workshop and also explore the museums various galleries on display relating to topics they have been studying in school.
The cost of the visit is £12.30 per child - contribution payment payable via www.parentpay.com by 16th December. A copy of parent letter can be found below.
Year 3 and 4 Christingle Service - 27th November:
The children made their Christingles and learned about what each part means. The classes then visited St Martin's Church for their Christingle Service. Thank you to all the parents who came along to the share this Service. We raised £105.94 for the local Weston Foodbank charity.
A huge thank you also to the parent who donated the oranges for us to make our Christingles.
2023/2024 Events:
Year 3 and 4 Visit to Caerleon Roman Fort: The children had a fantastic time and were able to see Roman artefacts in the museum and try on Roman armour and helmets! They were able to take part in a role play workshop where they experienced what it was like to take part in a Roman banquet. The children enjoyed finding out about the Roman baths and exploring the Roman barracks.
As part of Year 3 and 4 Roman topic, the children also took part in a Roman bath at school trying different pools and rooms
- the caldarium, frigidarium and tepidarium. They used oil and a strigil to experience how the Romans cleaned their
skin. They also looked at Roman toys and artefacts.
Carol Concert - Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4
The carol concerts will take place during the afternoon on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th December (more details to follow).
Explorer Dome Visit on 4th December: The classes will be visited by Explorer Dome on 4th December and the children will have the opportunity to participate in an Interactive Science Show led by Explorer Dome presenters based on the science topic they will be covering this term.
Please see copy of letter sent home with your child, SchoolPing, and a copy can be found below. We ask for a contribution of £4.95 per child to help fund this educational event, payable via ParentPay no later than 1st November.
Milton Baptist Church Visit
Phase 2 children have been invited by Milton Baptist Church to take part in a 'Christmas experience' which will include lots of Christmas activities.
We will walk the children down to the church at the allotted time. On your child's day, please ensure that they have a coat in school.
Year 2 and 3 Worlebury Woods Hillfort Visit on Friday 23rd June 2023: The Year 2 and 3 children will be going on a visit to Worlebury Woods Hillfort which has been organised for Friday 23rd June. Children will take part in small workshops where they will spend time with experts from the English Heritage Society. Please see letter at the bottom of this page for more details (a paper copy has been sent home with children).
Fox class have enjoyed researching the layers of the rainforest - they wrote amazing facts about the Understory and the Canopy and they will be learning about the Emergent Layer. Super work, Foxes!
Otter Class are amazing at Telling the time to 5 minutes!!
Year 2 and Year 3 WOW Day: Year 2 and 3 are continuing their prehistoric journey by learning all about life in the Iron Age and we would like the children to experience an Iron Age WOW day in school. They will take part in activities that will help their understanding of the Iron Age. We have now had to bring the WOW day forward to Wednesday 8th March (details have been sent home via SchoolPing on 1st March).
Year 2 & 3 Christingle Service at St Martin's Church - 1st December 4.15pm:
Hedgehog, Otter and Fox classes held a wonderful Christingle Service with Vicar Jon at St Martin’s Church. They explained all about the Christingle and how it is a symbol of God’s love and light throughout the world. Everyone in the Church joined in and sang some of our favourite Hymns and Christmas Carols.
The children made Christingles in class which were lit before singing Silent Night.
Year 3 & Year 2 Disco - Tuesday 13th December at 3.00pm. This event will take place in the main school hall, organised by St Martin's Fundraising Team.
2021/2022 EVENTS:
Ancient Eqyptian Topic: Year 3 have worked incredibly hard to sew a sarcophagus as part of our topic this term. The Year 3 children were able to pin their templates onto felt and also use the back stitch to sew their pieces together. I think you will agree, they look amazing! The children are so proud of what they have created!
MOVIE NIGHT EVENT on 30th June 3.00-5.00pm: please see letter below for more details (a copy has also been sent home via SchoolPing message and letter).
Year 3 Bristol Museum Visit: On 21st June, Year 3 had an amazing day at the Bristol Museum. The children were able to explore an Ancient Egyptian exhibit to see Artefacts from this time. The children had time to explore other exhibits of interest in the Museum. To top it off, they took part in an Ancient Egyptian workshop where they were able to handle ancient items. The children, and adults, thoroughly enjoyed the day! All of Year 3 were a credit to St. Martin's.
3E Guided Reading Term 5: 3E have been reading the story "Into the Forest" written by Anthony Browne. 3E made predictions about the story and what they thought might happen based on the front cover and the blurb. For their first read, 3E shared the story with the children in Reception, focusing on using expression to interest their audience.
The Reception children showed amazing listening skills and also asked the 3E children lots of questions about the story.
3E loved reading to Reception and hope to do it again soon!
Class 3BH DT/Art Project Term 4:
For DT the children worked on their measuring, sawing and joining skills.
In art, they have been working on perspective and using watercolours to make wonderful river pictures.
We are very impressed!
Wessex Water Educational Visit, Cannington - 8th March 2022:
Year 3 enjoyed their trip to Wessex Water and took part in lots of river activities - naming and investigating the features of a river, building dams and taking a tour of a reservoir!
The children also enjoyed building dens by the river side and meeting the local swans! It was a little bit chilly - but they all had an amazing day!
World Book Day 25th Anniversary - 3rd March: Year 3 children enjoyed finding new books to read through Book Tasting Café events. They looked fantastic dressed up as their favourite book characters.
Year 3 have been learning about the rainforest during Term 3. In Art we have been practicing sketching and painting Monstera leaves. For homework we learnt how to draw a treefrog. Here is some of the amazing art work 3BH have produced.
(Year 3 Christingle Service at St Martin’s Church)
Clifton Cathedral: On 7th December, a group of Year 3 children went to Clifton Cathedral to take part in North Somerset’s Christmas Celebration. The children were all fantastic and sang a selection of songs beautifully. They listened carefully to the Bible readings and some of the children took turns at the lectern reading prayers which they had written together in school. The leader of the celebration commented on what lovely prayers the children had written and how clearly they all read.
They were an absolute credit to our school and should be really proud of themselves!
Iron Age WOW Day: During Term 3, Year 3 had an amazing time on their Iron Age WOW Day and the children took part in ‘Warrior training’. The children observed Celtic patterns and then designed their own shield. They had fun using contrasting colours to paint their shields and decorated a spear tip and thoroughly enjoyed the day!
Term 1: Here is a selection of examples of 3E's amazing art work! The children have started their sketching journey on drawing a Woolly Mammoth. They followed steps as a class to draw their first ever Woolly Mammoth!
We were very impressed with the results. Well done 3E!
Just a reminder about some of the websites we use at school to help children learn that you can also access at home!
https://play.edshed.com/login Spelling Shed and Maths Shed
(pupils have their own log in name and password)
Times Tables Rock Stars: (pupils already have their own log in and password)
White Rose Maths videos by topic. These videos are free to access and may relate to what we are doing in class.
This website has links to lots of maths games that are both computer and tablet
Username: student3749 Password: stmartins
Espresso online gives children access to useful resources to help them with their learning, covering a range of subjects. A reminder of log in details has been sent home via email to parents.