...If your child will be starting School in Reception 2025, please contact us to arrange a Family Tour.. Teacher Vacancy - please visit our Job Vacancy page or contact the school for more details...
Home Page

St Martin's Church of England Primary School


Following the COVID outbreak, we have put this page together to provide you with links for Remote Learning updates, latest parent/carer advice and letters, Online Learning Sites, Free School Meal information, Government and NHS Guidance and resources to support Mental Health.

Please can we remind parents and carers to continue to check your SchoolPing account for the latest messages and school updates, thank you.


click here >> Parents Letters and Forms


click here >> Websites for Remote Learning / Instructions for Google Classroom


click here >> COVID-19 Parent Information including; Government and NHS Advice regular updates, Symptoms and Testing, Supporting your Child's Education (Kaleidoscope MAT link)


click here >> Helpful information to support children, young people and parents.  Mental Health / Well-Being 

Please see below a copy of St Martin's Remote Education Policy and Procedures - updated January 2021

Wellbeing and Pastoral Support:

We appreciate that there is a lot going on with many different changes in a very short time.  Our staff are here to help - please ring if your child needs support with wellbeing or you need to discuss worries or concerns.
