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St Martin's Church of England Primary School



Religious Education has a significant role for the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development at St Martin’s Primary School. It promotes respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs and encourages pupils to develop their sense of identity and belonging through self-awareness and reflection. The principle aim of RE is to engage pupils in an enquiry approach where they can develop an understanding and appreciation for the expression of beliefs, cultural practices and influence of principle religions and worldviews in the local, national and wider global community.



RE is taught using the Awareness, Mystery and Value syllabus from Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset and Haringey Syllabus as well as Understanding Christianity. There is a clear progression map used in order that the children at St Martin’s study a range of religion. These are:

Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism


The themes of Creation, Incarnation, God, Salvation, Gospel, are covered through using Understanding Christianity.


RE is usually taught on a weekly basis, although sometimes, a block of lessons maybe taught over a shorter period of time if it is felt to be more appropriate to the learning.

Lessons are planned in a variety of ways so that it ensures all children are able to participate in each lessons. These might include drama, art, written work, groups work and discussion to allow the children to explore some of the more challenging questions.


Progress is tracked through assessment grids based on the learning outcomes statement in AMV and Understanding Christianity. These assessments take part at the end of each unit of work and are stored in the class learning file so that learning can be built on in the next unit.

Parents have the right to withdraw children from RE lessons after discussion with the headteacher.
