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St Martin's Church of England Primary School

St Martin's activities and learning links for VE Day 7th Anniversary - Friday 8 May


>> 'We'll Meet Again' Audio clip

School staff and children of critical workers singing Dame Vera Lynn's wartime classic

Thank you to parents for sending in photos of their children enjoying their VE Day activities at home to commemorate the 75th Anniversary. We've also included some of the children's activities in school.


Friday 8th May was an additional Bank Holiday to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day. It would have been a huge national celebration, but due to lockdown, many events were cancelled or altered. To mark this very special date, St Martin's added some VE Day activities onto this dedicated website page, together with web-links with additional information about VE Day.


The staff and children in school of critical key workers observed a 2 minute silence at 11.00am. During the day they shared VE Day themed activities, including a street party (following social distancing requirements). 

