St Martin’s Church of England Primary School
Spring Hill
North Somerset BS22 9BQ
Main School Office Telephone: 01934 628651
The office is open between 8.30am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday.
Executive Head Teacher:
Sue Elliott
Head of School:
Tracey Thomas
Chair of Governors:
Mr M Preddy
c/o St Martin's C of E Primary School, Spring Hill,
Worle, Weston-super-Mare BS22 9BQ
Safeguarding and LAC Governor: Mrs G Prentice (contact details as above)
INCo: Miss D Crandon (contact details as above)
Mental Health Lead: Miss D Crandon (contact details as above)
If you have any queries, please either contact the School by telephone, email
or you may write to the above relevant contacts.
Kaleidoscope MAT >>click here for contact details