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St Martin's Church of England Primary School

Supporting Mental Health during COVID-19: Resources & Links

Dated: 30th July 2020

'5 Ways to Wellbeing'

A reminder to parents/carers that if you have any concerns relating to mental health, please visit contact our pastoral support team or leave details for a member of the team to contact you >>


Place2Be website - a children’s mental health charity also offers resources and support for parents and carers:

Children's Mental Health Week 5th - 11th February - this year's theme is 'My Voice Matters'.



In school we will be re-visiting the 5 steps to wellbeing with the children and using the Zones Of Regulation to support them in understanding, labelling and regulating their emotions.

If you would like more information on supporting your child's mental health you may find these links useful:   

St Martin's will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 4th March and will be linking our activities with our School's ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ ethos - as Reading Books offer so many opportunities to be Active, Keep Learning, Give, Take Notice and Connect.

For more details please visit our Latest News event >>

St Martin's School supported Children's Mental Health Week and the theme was ''Express Yourself'.

Teachers involved all of the children in a range of activities, both at school and home learning, encouraging children's self expression.  We have shared some of these in the slideshow above.  Pupils created their own T-Shirt designs for ‘Inside Out Day’ and these were hung on washing lines across our school hall.  It was a wonderful way for the children to share and express their thoughts about how we care for others.


'Dress to Express' - the children wore something which expresses who they are, or maybe an interest they have, and these were shared during their class Google Meets. Year 3 created some fantastic "All about me" posters. Their teachers felt these posters show how amazing, happy and positive the children are, especially during these uncertain times. Year 1 children painted while listening to music from 'The Carnival of the Animals' and also designed and baked Thank You cakes.

Supportive website links: