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St Martin's Church of England Primary School

Year 2

Welcome to Classes

Turtle Class - Mrs Bassett

Starfish Class - Miss Parker

Penguin Class - Mr Leeson


CURRICULUM OVERVIEW: For the latest Curriculum Termly Topic for Year 2, please see links at the bottom of this page.

For Subject Overviews, Year Group Overviews and Learning Organisers please visit our >> Curriculum page


St Martin's Church Nativity Story:  On 16th December, children from Years 1 and 2 paid a visit to St Martin's Church. Vicar Jon retold the nativity story and some children got the opportunity to reenact the story. Thank you Vicar Jon for inviting us into the beautiful church as it gave us a welcome reminder of what Christmas is all about.




Year 1 and Year 2 Great Fire of London Visitor on 3rd October 2024: As part of our Great Fire of London topic this term, we are inviting a visitor to come and speak to our children which will support our WOW Day.  Please see copy of letter below.


2023/2024 EVENTS:

Year 2 - SS Great Britain Educational Visit: On 7th March Year 2 had a fantastic day exploring the SS Great Britain as part of their Brunel topic. They had a great time exploring the ship with our tour guide and were able to ask and answer interesting questions. They got to see the iron hull and screw propeller which was very exciting and to top it off, the children were able to see Clifton Suspension Bridge on our journey to Bristol!




Carol Concert - Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 

The carol concerts will take place at 2.30pm on both Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th December (more details to follow). 


Explorer Dome Visit on 4th December:  The classes will be visited by Explorer Dome on 4th December and the children will have the opportunity to participate in an Interactive Science Show led by Explorer Dome presenters based on the science topic they will be covering this term.

Please see copy of letter sent home with your child, SchoolPing, and a copy can be found below.  We ask for a contribution of £4.95 per child to help fund this educational event, payable via ParentPay no later than 1st November. 


Milton Baptist Church Visit
Phase 2 children have been invited by Milton Baptist Church to take part in a 'Christmas experience' which will include lots of Christmas activities.


  • Seal class and Seahorses class are invited on Monday 27th November
  • Sea Otters class is invited on Tuesday 28th November
  • Stingray class are invited on Thursday 30th November


We will walk the children down to the church at the allotted time. On your child's day, please ensure that they have a coat in school.


The Year 2 children led a fantastic Harvest Festival Assembly in front of the whole school. The readers read beautifully and confidently.  Well done!  A huge thank you was shared to everyone at St.Martin’s for supporting the local Weston Foodbank. Our harvest food table looked impressive - thank you for your generosity.


Year 2 and 3 Worlebury Woods Hillfort Visit on Friday 23rd June 2023:  The Year 2 and 3 children will be going on a visit to Worlebury Woods Hillfort which has been organised for Friday 23rd June.  Children will take part in small workshops where they will spend time with experts from the English Heritage Society.  Please see letter at the bottom of this page for more details (a paper copy has been sent home with children). 


Letter from Local Author Katie Cottle: Hedgehog Class received some exciting post during Term 5. A little while back, Hedgehog Class read a book called the Blue Giant and created their own Blue Giant collage. Miss Grey was so impressed that she sent some photos to Katie Cottle (the author) and she replied! Here are some of our Blue Giant collages with the letter from Katie Cottle.


Well done Hedgehog class - what an achievement to be recognised by a local author!


Hedgehog class worked hard collecting information on the layers of the rainforest during Term 5



Year 2 and Year 3 WOW Day:  Year 2 and 3 are continuing their prehistoric journey by learning all about life in the Iron Age and we would like the children to experience an Iron Age WOW day in school. They will take part in activities that will help their understanding of the Iron Age. We have now had to bring the WOW day forward to Wednesday 8th March (details have been sent home via SchoolPing on 1st March).


Year 2 & 3 Christingle Service at St Martin's Church - 1st December 4.15pm:

Hedgehog, Otter and Fox classes held a wonderful Christingle Service with Vicar Jon at St Martin’s Church. They explained all about the Christingle and how it is a symbol of God’s love and light throughout the world. Everyone in the Church joined in and sang some of our favourite Hymns and Christmas Carols.

The children made Christingles in class which were lit before singing Silent Night.


Year 2 and Year 3 Disco - Tuesday 13th December at 3.00pm. This event will take place in the main school hall, organised by St Martin's Fundraising Team.




Wild Place Project Visit - 5th July:  Year 1 and 2 children went to the Wild Place Project, near Bristol in Term 6. They spent the day looking at all of the animals and listened carefully to keeper talks about the bears and lemurs. All of the children had a fantastic day and represented the school beautifully. 





NSSPA Dance Festival at The Playhouse Theatre - 22nd June:

The Year 2 and Year 4 Dance Group children performed four dances and were absolutely amazing! They were a real credit to our school and made everyone really proud. To see the encouragement the two groups gave each other, and how proud they were of each other, was really heartwarming.

Thank you to everyone who helped on the night, also our parents and carers for enabling the children to attend their after school rehearsals so the children were prepared on the night.



Movie Night on 22nd March 3.00-5.00pm: For more information on the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Movie Night event, please see copy of letter sent out via SchoolPing on 11th March.


World Book Day 25th Anniversary - 3rd March:  Year 2 children enjoyed finding new books to read through Book Tasting Café events and all looked fantastic dressed up as their favourite book characters.


Explorer Dome Visit on 14th January 2022:  Explorer Dome will be visiting Year 1 and Year 2 children at school on Friday 14th January 2022. The theme of the session will be based on 'Environment' and the KS1 children will be participating in an interactive show led by Explorer Dome presenters. We would like to ask for a voluntary contribution of £3.05 per child to help fund this educational event which can be paid via  Please see copy of letter below which was sent home via SchoolPing.


Weston Playhouse Pantomime Visit on 14th December 2021:
The Reception and Key Stage 1 will be visiting the Weston Playhouse to enjoy a performance of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' on 14th December (details sent out via SchoolPing - see copy of letter below).


Great Fire of London Visitor to St Martin’s – KS1: On 10th November, KS1 children really enjoyed their surprise visit from Jethro. He taught the children about The Great Fire of London and they all really enjoyed re-enacting the events with him. Well done KS1 for your great listening!

Just a reminder about some of the websites we use at school to help children learn that you can also access at home!
Children have their individual log in details in their reading record and teachers will update books as children complete the books and activities. YOU WILL NEED TO DOWNLOAD AN APP CALLED 'PUFFIN ACADEMY' IN ORDER TO PLAY CONTENT ON iPADS/SOME TABLETS. THE APP IS FREE TO DOWNLOAD
This website has links to lots of maths games that are both computer and tablet friendly- children can practise their counting and calculation skills.
Another website with maths and phonics games for both Early Years and KS1 
Another website that is used in school to help children to practise their phonic skills. There is a free section of games on this website.  



Username: student3749 Password: stmartins

Espresso online gives children access to useful resources to help them with their learning, covering a range of subjects.  A reminder of log in details has been sent home via email to parents.
