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St Martin's Church of England Primary School

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

Turtle Class - Mrs Bassett

Starfish Class - Miss Parker

Penguin Class - Mr Leeson



CURRICULUM OVERVIEW: For the latest Curriculum Termly Topic for Year 1, please see links at the bottom of this page.

For Subject Overviews, Year Group Overviews and Learning Organisers please visit our >> Curriculum page

St Martin's Day - Reception and Year 1 children: visit to St Martin's Church on Friday 10th November (pupil event)


Diwali Day - Reception and Year 1 children: taking place at school on Friday 24th November (pupil event)


Nativity Performances to parents - Reception and Year 1 children:

Tuesday 12th December 2.15pm in school 

Wednesday 13th December 9.15am in school 

Thursday 14th December 9.15am in school 

Details have been sent home and a copy of letter sent via SchoolPing


During Parents’ Evenings 17th and 19th October parents and carers were invited to the Reception and Year 1 Dinosaur fossil and homework project display, all made by the wonderful Phase 1 children. The models and posters the children have made were absolutely fantastic - a display not to be missed!


Year 1 Dance Club 2023 : A letter was sent home with children on 16th October, with details regarding Year 1 Dance Club, Monday rehearsals and upcoming Dance Festival taking place at the Weston Playhouse Theatre during March 2024. 


There are a maximum of 20 places in Dance Club - please return your completed slip as soon as possible.  If there are more than 20 children who wish to join, names will be pulled out of a hat after school on Thursday 2nd November. Places will be confirmed by SchoolPing Friday 3rd November.


Year 1 Weston Seafront Visit on 3rd / 4th July:  As part of Year 1 History topic this term, Year 1 will be visiting Weston seafront on either Monday 3rd or Tuesday 4th July (depending on their group). Please see copy of parent letter below.


Year 1 children have been learning about the life-cycle of butterflies - they have hatched their caterpillars turn into chrysalis and then butterflies, then released them into their natural habitat and said goodbye.


The children were lucky enough to have Lucy from Flutterby Outdoor Learning Butterfly Conservation come along and do a butterfly workshop. Lucy told them lots of amazing things about butterflies and moths, then the children had an opportunity to have a look at some close up.

Lots of the children wanted to make a butterfly garden of their own.


Year 1 have been learning to be illustrators during Term 3 - they explored the different illustrators; Axel Scheffler, Beatrix Potter, E.H. Shepard and Roger Hargreaves. They used different media, learnt to follow instructions to replicate illustrations and then created their own Mr Men and Little Miss.

We were blown away with what they created - some talented artists!!





Year 1 Toys Topic: In History this term, Year 1 has been learning about toys. They shared their favourite toy from home and interviewed their grandparents and family friends about toys from the past. They’ve been lucky enough to borrow some toys from the past from Weston Museum to carefully play with and explore.


Fairy Tale Wow Day: Year 1 and Reception classes had an amazing Fairy Tale Wow Day. Year 1 all dressed up as fairy tale characters, made and decorated gingerbread men. They listened to traditional fairy tale stories, made wolf masks and played ‘What’s The Time Mr Wolf’. They had an extremely busy day!


Explorer Dome Visit to St Martin's - January 2023:
Explorer Dome visited the Reception and Year 1 classes at school on 9th January. The children participated in an exciting interactive science show – the theme of their session was based on ‘Light’. Thank you to Amy and Josh, Explorer Dome representatives.


Year 1 Carol Service at St Martin's Church - 7th December:

The Year 1 children sang carols and retold the Christmas story at their carol service which took place at St Martin’s Church. It was lovely to be welcomed by Vicar Jon and the church members. The children looked fantastic in their nativity costumes.

Thank you to parents for supporting the children with their lines, providing their outfits and coming along to watch.


Year 1 Dinosaur Project: On Tuesday 29th November at 2.30pm, parents and carers are invited to come to the school hall to share the children's Dinosaur Project.  Further details will be sent home shortly - please refer to SchoolPing messages.


Year 1 and Reception Disco - Monday 12th December at 3.00pm. This event will take place in the main school hall, organised by St Martin's Fundraising Team.




Wild Place Project Visit - 5th July:  Year 1 and 2 children went to the Wild Place Project, near Bristol in Term 6. They spent the day looking at all of the animals and listened carefully to keeper talks about the bears and lemurs. All of the children had a fantastic day and represented the school beautifully. 



Movie Night on 22nd March 3.00-5.00pm: For more information on the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Movie Night event, please see copy of letter at the bottom of this page (details also sent out via SchoolPing on 11th March).


World Book Day 25th Anniversary - 3rd March:  Year 1 children enjoyed finding new books to read through Book Tasting Café events and all looked fantastic dressed up as their favourite book characters.


Explorer Dome Visit 14th January 2022:  Explorer Dome will be visiting Year 1 and Year 2 children at school on Friday 14th January 2022. The theme of the session will be based on 'Environment' and the KS1 children will be participating in an interactive show led by Explorer Dome presenters. We would like to ask for a voluntary contribution of £3.05 per child to help fund this educational event which can be paid via  Please see copy of letter below which was sent home via SchoolPing.


Weston Playhouse Pantomime Visit:
The Reception and Key Stage 1 visited the Weston Playhouse and enjoyed a performance of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' on 14th December. They all had a fantastic time and also enjoyed an ice-cream treat in the interval.


KS1 Christmas Perfomance 8th and 9th December: 

Year 1 and Year 2 children performed their nativity ‘Born in a Barn’ to the school and parents. They sang and danced beautifully and said all of their lines with confidence.

They should be very proud of themselves.


Year 1 and Year 2 Disco on Wednesday 24th November 2021, 3pm – 4.45pm: Fundraising Event - details sent out via SchoolPing (please see copy of letter below)


Great Fire of London Visitor to St Martin’s – KS1: On 10th November, KS1 children really enjoyed their surprise visit from Jethro. He taught the children about The Great Fire of London and they all really enjoyed re-enacting the events with him. Well done KS1 for your great listening!


Children's Mental Health Week Term 3:  In support of Children's Mental Health Awareness week, our Year 1 children took part in lots of exciting activities to express themselves last week.

The children painted while listening to music from 'The Carnival of the Animals', they also designed and baked Thank You cakes and drew emotion pictures on T-shirts for 'Inside Out Day'.





A group of Year 1 children also visited St Martin's Church. They took along some angels which they had made in class and used these to help decorate the Church for Christmas.


The children were shown the crib and the advent wreath. Ethan was allowed to light the candles. They finished their visit by singing 'We wish you a Merry Christmas'.




Term 1: Our Writing Walls 


One of our Year 1 classrooms.. we have our own computers, interactive whiteboards, reading areas, creative play and outdoor play areas.