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St Martin's Church of England Primary School


though many we make up one”  (1 Corinthians, 12:12)


Dear Parents/Carers,
On behalf of the staff, governors and children, I would like to welcome you to the St. Martin's Church of England School website. This site is designed to be a source of information for our school community and a celebration of our children's many achievements. We also hope that if you are not familiar with our school, that this website will provide you with an insight into our ethos, values and commitment to high standards of teaching and learning.
We aim to provide an inclusive educational and social environment, which nurtures and challenges each child, enabling individuals to be confident, to flourish, and have high aspirations and self belief. A child's time at the school will be an important part of their lifelong learning journey and with this in mind; we aim to make their educational experience at St. Martin's stimulating and enjoyable with rich learning opportunities. We offer our children an environment which fosters kindness, tolerance and mutual respect so they can achieve academically, creatively, spiritually and socially.


At St Martin's we recognise that the partnership between home and school is one of the most important elements in ensuring that a child's education is a successful, rewarding and happy experience. For this reason, staff value the support and commitment which parents offer both to the school and to their own child's education. We also offer high quality wrap around care with our Breakfast and After School Clubs to ensure flexibility and convenience for parents and carers.

We are very proud of our links with St Martin’s Church and other Churches within the local area.  We work in partnership with them and the Diocese of Bath and Wells to bring the Christian Values and Ethos into all aspects of school life.

To ensure the very best opportunities for our children, our dedicated staff team share good practice, resources and training across the Kaleidoscope MAT, an exclusively Primary MAT of 7 Schools.


I hope that you find our website informative and enjoy your visit.

Yours sincerely,

Sue Elliott                              Tracey Thomas

Executive Headteacher       Head of School




