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St Martin's Church of England Primary School

Supporting your child - Homework and Reading


Each child will still be expected to learn their relevant times tables weekly in preparation for the Year 4 Multiplication Check in June.  At the start of each term we will send out a homework overview which will detail what the homework is. This will range from Topic projects to English and Maths and will either be in paper form or on Google Classroom. All homework given will reflect what has been covered in class. With English homework there will be a big emphasis on grammar and punctuation.  Children will be expected to write a minimum of five sentences and all sentences must be correctly punctuated. 

Regular Reading:

At school we are celebrating children who read regularly, and they will be awarded with a certificate to recognise 10, 20 and 30 weeks of regular reading.  


We thank parents/carers for continually supporting in their child's learning, and we would like to remind you of the importance that your child reads regularly to an adult. We ask that all children read to an adult a minimum of three times a week, this then needs to be recorded in their reading record book.


Even once children become a confident reader, it is still important that they read out aloud as they can practise their tone and expression, and can also discuss the text to ensure their understanding.  If parents would like any advice, or support with this please don't hesitate to ask your class teacher.  If any parent is able to give a few hours a week to listen to readers this would be appreciated, we can offer support and phonic training if needed. 

If you have any queries concerning the homework, please contact your class teacher.  
Letters have been sent home via your child, outlining information on Homework and supporting your child with Reading.
