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St Martin's Church of England Primary School

School Meals


ASPENS 'Select' - New Online Ordering System for School Meals

Letters were sent out to parents/carers via SchoolPing end of August 2021, regarding the Aspens Select new online ordering system' for school meals. The message includes your child's *unique 8 digit code which will enable you to complete the registration for your online ordering account.


This link will take you to the ordering site: 

To create your account you will be asked for the school unique 6 digit code:

St Martin's code is:  997293
You will be asked for your child's unique 8 digit code – this can be found in the 'My Message' area of SchoolPing.


All school meals must be ordered in advance using the new Aspens Select system.  If you need any support please contact the office via email or telephone the school office. 


Please note: you cannot use the Aspens App for ordering meals, it needs to be accessed through a browser i.e. Safari or Google Chrome.


** Increase in Meal Charge for School Dinners - 1st December** 
From Thursday 1st December, there will be an increase in meal price - the cost will increase from £2.30 to £2.45 (for those who pay for dinners) chargeable through the Aspens Select system. Please see copy of Aspens parent letter above.

Special Diets Information

If your child has an allergy or requires a special diet please review the additional information below from Aspens our school meals provider. 

You will need to complete a special diet request form and return it to the School Office.

ASPENS SCHOOL MEALS - May 2021:   We are delighted to announce that following a tendering process for school meals Aspens were the successful company who will take over our school meals from 7th June 2021. 

The price of school meals increase to £2.30 from 7th June, is due to higher quality ingredients. School Meals will continue to be cooked on site. 


A copy of the New Menu can be found at the top of this page. The 'school packed lunch' option will continue alongside the other menu options, consisting of a freshly filled sandwich or roll, healthy snack, home bake and piece of fruit.

Jacket Potatoes with assorted fillings are also provided daily as an additional option.


School meals are eaten in the school dining hall and children with packed lunches also eat outside when the weather is fine.  Please be aware that as some children in school have nut allergies, nut products are not permitted in children's lunch boxes (ie. nutella, peanut butter sandwiches, raisin and nut mix etc.)


Please note that if your child is currently in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 - they are entitled to a nutritionally balanced packed lunch for free each day as part of the current Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme.

(Our amazing kitchen team and lunchtime supervisors served around 300 Christmas roast lunches
on 15th December)


FREE SCHOOL MEAL Applications / Pupil Premium Grant

Parents will need to apply online using the 'Free School Meal Checker' link below: 

Click here >>


IMPORTANT: You should still apply if you claim benefits and have a child in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2. This is to:

  • make you eligible for other financial assistance for items such as school trips
  • enable a school to receive the funding it is entitled to
  • avoid any issues with your child’s school meals when moving from Year 2 to Year 3


Children attending school whose parents or carers receive any of the following benefits are eligible to receive the Pupil Premium Grant - also entitling pupils to free school meals: 

  • child tax credits (provided you're not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit with annual Take Home Pay / Net Earnings below £7,400 (which equals  £616.67 per month) benefits not included
  • guarantee element of state pension credit
  • income support
  • income-based jobseeker’s allowance
  • income-related employment support allowance
  • support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999


There are changes to the free school meals application process, due to the roll out of Universal Credit.

Eligible pupils will remain entitled to free school meals until the end their current phase of education, as at March 2025, regardless of benefit changes.

If you are currently entitled to free school meals you will not have to reapply until your child changes school after September 2025.


We have achieved Healthy Schools Status which means that we actively promote healthy eating and healthy lifestyles. In Reception and Key Stage 1, children are provided with a piece of fruit every day as part of their morning snack. In Key Stage 2 we encourage children to eat and drink healthily during snack and lunch time.


