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St Martin's Church of England Primary School

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!  

Stingray Class - Mrs Organ

Seals Class - Mrs Maynard
Sea Otter Class - Mrs Ellis / Miss Saunders


CURRICULUM OVERVIEW: For the latest Curriculum Termly Topic for Year 4, please see links at the bottom of this page.

For Subject Overviews, Year Group Overviews and Learning Organisers please visit our >> Curriculum page


The Year 3 and Year 4 children have an upcoming educational visit to the Bristol Museum on Tuesday 14th January 2025 as part of their Volcanoes and Rocks topic next term. The visit will supplement and enrich the children's learning in this area, in school and at home. Children will take part in an exclusive workshop and also explore the museums various galleries on display relating to topics they have been studying in school.

The cost of the visit is £12.30 per child - contribution payment payable via by 16th December.  A copy of parent letter can be found below.


Year 3 and 4 Christingle Service - 27th November:

The children made their Christingles and learned about what each part means. The classes then visited St Martin's Church for their Christingle Service. Thank you to all the parents who came along to the share this Service. We raised £105.94 for the local Weston Foodbank charity.

A huge thank you also to the parent who donated the oranges for us to make our Christingles.



Year 4 Overnight Outdoor Adventure, Fernhill Farm: 

On 19th and 20th June 2024, Year 4 children will be invited to take part in an Overnight Camp Adventure at Fernhill Farm run by Osprey Outdoors (for more details please see Camp Letter/Kit List/Essential Information Form below).

Year 3 and 4 Visit to Caerleon Roman Fort:

The children had a fantastic time and were able to see Roman artefacts in the museum and try on Roman armour and helmets! They were able to take part in a role play workshop where they experienced what it was like to take part in a Roman banquet. The children enjoyed finding out about the Roman baths and exploring the Roman barracks.


As part of Year 3 and 4 Roman topic, the children also took part in a Roman bath at school trying different pools and rooms
- the caldarium, frigidarium and tepidarium. They used oil and a strigil to experience how the Romans cleaned their
skin. They also looked at Roman toys and artefacts.


Carol Concert - Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 

The carol concerts will take place during the afternoon on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th December (more details to follow). 


Explorer Dome Visit on 4th December:  The classes will be visited by Explorer Dome on 4th December and the children will have the opportunity to participate in an Interactive Science Show led by Explorer Dome presenters based on the science topic they will be covering this term.

Please see copy of letter sent home with your child, SchoolPing, and a copy can be found below.  We ask for a contribution of £4.95 per child to help fund this educational event, payable via ParentPay no later than 1st November. 


Milton Baptist Church Visit
Phase 2 children have been invited by Milton Baptist Church to take part in a 'Christmas experience' which will include lots of Christmas activities.


  • Seal class and Seahorses class are invited on Monday 27th November
  • Sea Otters class is invited on Tuesday 28th November
  • Stingray class are invited on Thursday 30th November


We will walk the children down to the church at the allotted time. On your child's day, please ensure that they have a coat in school.


2022/2023 EVENTS: 


Year 4 Overnight Outdoor Adventure, Fernhill Farm: 

On 22nd-23rd June 2023, Year 4 children were invited to take part in an Overnight Camp Adventure at Fernhill Farm.
They had an amazing time and enjoyed activities such as wood collecting, orienteering and the legendary assault course. The camp staff commented on how well behaved and polite the children were. It was a great way to finish off the school year with each other.





Term 5 Volcano Topic:  Year 4 have really enjoyed their topic about Volcanoes. They had great fun erupting their volcanoes using vinegar, bicarbonate of soda and red food colouring. Some were really successful! They children went on to construct shape poems, collecting ideas about volcanoes and how to describe them.
Well done Year 4 and to our very own volcanologist, Miss Hodge!




During Term 3 - Year 4 have been looking at the illustrator Quentin Blake: 
Here is a selection of class 4J first attempts to draw Willy Wonka, following a Quentin Blake video on how to draw this character. Miss Jewell was amazed with the effort and care they all put in to their work!



Explorer Dome Visit to St Martin's: On Monday 9th January, Amy and Josh from Explorer Dome visited Year 4 as a Wow Day to begin their Science topic on ‘Sound’. The children learnt about what sound is, how sound travels, pitch and much more. The children will use what they have learnt to carry out a variety of investigations to build on their knowledge of sound.


Term 4 Science Topic - Electricity: Year 4 began their topic on electricity - setting up circuits and testing a range of materials to find out if they were conductors or insulators.  They really enjoyed themselves!



Year 4 Roman Topic:  Year 4 had an amazing first two terms! While learning about The Romans, the children created a range of artefacts for homework and as part of their learning in school. Weston Museum also delivered a workshop on how to create an effective museum exhibition.



At the end of Term 2, they all chose two or three artefacts and created labels explaining each one. Ten children then put together an exhibition at Weston Museum to show off their hard work.

Parents and carers were invited to view the exhibition and the children were able to show them around.




The Year 4 team were incredibly proud of their hard work, perseverance and determination. Well done Year 4!



2021/2022 EVENTS: 

Year 4 Overnight Outdoor Adventure, Fernhill Farm - 30th June-1st July 2022: 

On 30th June, Year 4 left St Martin's to embark on their Overnight Camp Adventure at Fernhill Farm run by Osprey Outdoors. They all took part in many activities including an assault course, firewood collection and a tour of part of the farm. Despite some rain during the night and early morning, the weather was very much in their favour. Not only did they all have an amazing time but the children were an absolute credit to the school and we were very proud of all of them!


NSSPA Dance Festival at The Playhouse Theatre - 22nd June:

The Year 2 and Year 4 Dance Group children performed four dances and were absolutely amazing! They were a real credit to our school and made everyone really proud. To see the encouragement the two groups gave each other, and how proud they were of each other, was really heartwarming.


Thank you to everyone who helped on the night, also our parents and carers for enabling the children to attend their after school rehearsals so the children were prepared on the night.


Year 4 Wessex Water Educational Visit:

At the beginning of Term 5, Year 4 visited Wessex Water in Cannington. After spending some time learning about the importance of water to our planet and the water cycle, they were given a tour around the treatment works. They learnt about the way in which water is cleaned ready to reuse in our homes.  

To finish off the day, they walked around the small reservoir and were lucky enough to see the swans on their nest looking after three eggs!


Year 4 Homework - Term 5:  Year 4 have had a great time learning about volcanoes this term. They all made or drew volcanoes for homework.  There were many shapes, sizes and styles but the best part was when they erupted them! Thank you to everyone at home who helped with this project.  The staff thought they were incredible!



MOVIE NIGHT EVENT on 25th May 3.00-5.00pm: please see letter below for more details (a copy was also sent out via SchoolPing message on 13th May).


Educational Visit to Wessex Water Cannington: 

At the beginning of Term 5, Year 4 visited Wessex Water in Cannington. After spending some time learning about the importance of water to our planet and the water cycle, they were given a tour around the treatment works. They learnt about the way in which water is cleaned ready to reuse in our homes.  

To finish off the day, they walked around the small reservoir and were lucky enough to see the swans on their nest looking after three eggs!


World Book Day 25th Anniversary - 3rd March:  Everyone was invited to come to school dressed as a favourite book character to share the love of books and reading. Year 4 also enjoyed finding new books to read through Book Tasting Café events.  



Explorer Dome Visit: At the start of the January term, Year 4 started their Science topic of sound with a visit from Explorer Dome. In the dome they learnt about vibration, sound waves, pitch and hearing through an interactive and hands on show. There was thunder and lightning, pops and pipes and music made.
It was a memorable learning visit, which the children all thoroughly enjoyed!


Weston Museum Exhibition: Year 4 classes went to Weston Museum on 14th December to showcase the incredible artefacts they made during their Romans topic. The Year 4 team are incredibly proud of the artefacts they created and how well they set up the exhibition independently.


Celebrating Maths:  In November, Year 4 had a great time celebrating Maths week. They created their own board games in the style of Articulate but based the topics on their Maths learning. After decorating their boards, they created question cards and then played the games together. They chose to get tokens to win points when they got an answer correct!


Roman Topic Terms 1 and 2:  Year 4 classes history topic has been focusing on the Romans and the children had the opportunity to enjoy first hand experiences during the Autumn Term.

Weston Museum supported Year 4 with the topic. The children made replicas of Roman pottery and sewed their own Roman Standard Flags. 



Some of Year 4's excellent Roman artefacts and drawings from their first homework project. 


They also had a great time developing their pottery skills further. Using air dry clay, Year 4 made Roman pots to add to their growing collection of artefacts for their museum display. Well done Year 4!


Term 1: Our Year 4 Roman Topic homework displays 


Year 4 Ancient Romans: The Year 4 classes had a very busy Autumn Term learning about different aspects of Ancient Roman life. They created a range of artefacts both in school and at home. During the last week of term, to celebrate their learning they chose some of their artefacts and created museum like labels. Here are some of their amazing achievements! Well done to everyone in classes 4J, 4L and 4O.

Just a reminder about some of the websites we use at school to help children learn that you can also access at home!




Times Tables Rock Stars: (pupils already have their own log in and password)
This website has links to lots of maths games that are both computer and tablet  



Username: student3749 Password: stmartins

Espresso online gives children access to useful resources to help them with their learning, covering a range of subjects.  A reminder of log in details has been sent home via email to parents.
