Free Reader Book List: If your child has just become a free reader or is an established reader but struggling to find books that are challenging, please look at the list of titles below. All books are quality children's fiction; many are the first book in a series or written by a prolific author. So once this book has been read and enjoyed then there are multiple options as what to read next.
All these books listed in attachment below can be found in our school library - please come and speak to Mrs Brown our Librarian who will be happy to help you with book choosing.
St Martin’s celebrated the 25th anniversary of World Book Day - 3rd March:
The children enjoyed finding new books to read through our Book Tasting Café events and all looked fantastic dressed up as their favourite book characters.
WORLD BOOK DAY - Thursday 4th March:
St Martin's will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 4th March and will be linking our activities with our School's ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ ethos - as Reading Books offer so many opportunities to be Active, Keep Learning, Give, Take Notice and Connect.
In School and via our Home Learning we will be offering activities to explore these values through specially chosen Stories and Books suitable for each year group. We will encourage everyone to get involved whether in school or at home.
There are 2 ways to do this:
1) by dressing up as a favourite character from a book and
2) by sharing a story together as a family, with a pet, with toys or virtually with a family member over zoom etc.
You can do either or both and we would love you to take photos and send them to us on World Book Day so we can share them via our social media pages and display boards in school. All photos received will be entered into a draw - a Bookish Prize will go to 1 lucky entry per year group. Please send your photos by email directly to: (please include Year Group, first name, surname initial in your email).
Please Note: that by forwarding your World Book Day photos to you are giving your consent for photos to be shared on our official St Martin's School Facebook/Twitter pages/school website.
Library News September 2020:
A reminder please can children return ANY books borrowed from the school before the Summer ie. library, class, reading books. Please can these be returned as soon as possible. They can be handed into class teachers who can bring them up to be quarantined in the library.
During the first weeks back at school all the children have been taking part in a project based on ‘Here We Are’ – a book by Oliver Jeffers. Their final task was to write notes for planet earth giving advice to anyone who lives here. We used them to create these amazing displays.
WORLD BOOK DAY 5th March 2020:
Our children spent a bright and colourful World Book Day sharing the fabulous picture book ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ by Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers. Staff and pupils came to school dressed completely in their favourite colour and after a whole school assembly where the story was read, they took part in various activities, competitions and storytimes throughout the day. These included a KS1 class photo opportunity to form a rainbow in their crayon colours, a variety of 'hunts' around the corridors to find coloured crayon clues and lots of ‘upside down’ art activities where children were encouraged to ‘give their crayons a rest’ and produce unusual masterpieces - like blue bananas, purple elephants and rainbow fire engines! Our Lunchtime Library was busy with crayon making activity and selfies with the giant crayons.
The winners of our 'World Book Day Competition' was also announced. Children had been asked to draw as many things as possible that were only 1 colour.
Congratulations to our 3 winners:
KS2 Winner: Kinisi 6S, who drew a whopping 100 red things
KS1 Winner: Lilly Y2 Hazel class who used her imagination to draw 45 blue things
Reception Winner - Isabella who won the challenge for their year group by drawing 55 blue things
All our winners won a book bundle. Well done to all everyone who entered. Mrs Brown our Librarian was very impressed as the competition really was not as easy as it first seemed!
We have had a very busy start to 2020 with January seeing us commemorate some very special days, celebrating 'Winnie the Pooh Day' which is held on the author A A Milnes' Birthday. We made pop up Winnie Honey pots and talked about all the wonderful stories and poems from the 100 Acre Wood. We also marked 'Australia Day ' and looked at the picture books with Australian animal characters. Rachel Bright's 'The Koala who Could' is one of our favourites! Our Library Goers also made Koala Bookmarks.
A lot of the children used this opportunity to talk about the terrible bushfires they had seen on the news and how worried they were about the wildlife. Our children have very big hearts and talked about how they could help our planet fight climate change.
We also observed 'Holocaust Memorial Day (a theme discussed in our assemblies) - we talked about racism and discrimination and how dangerous those things can be. We also looked at the biographies and diaries of Anne Frank. We coloured in flames to remember her and the 6 million other Jewish people who suffered in the Holocaust. Our flames joined with those of other schools in our area, together with Becket Primary, to be part of the 'Community Flame' display on display from 27th January at Worle Village Library.
Please take this opportunity to visit our village library in Mendip Avenue, just off Worle High Street, and see our flames. The Library opens Monday, Tuesday, Friday 9.30am-5pm and Saturday 9.30am-1pm. We also have a school display of 75 flames - to mark the 75 years since Auschwitz was freed.
World Book Day – Thursday 5th March: Our school theme for this year’s World Book Day is the wonderful ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ by Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers.
Children are invited to come to school on Thursday 5th March dressed completely in their favourite colour! The day will be fully of story-sharing activities based on the colourful characters and each child will be given a World Book Day book voucher to purchase a £1 book from participating stores.
“Look out for the School Library Half Term Competition which will be sent home next week.”
Last week of November, we looked at a book called 'Planet Awesome' by Stacy Mcanulty and David Litchfield, a brilliant information picture book full of fantastic Earth facts.
We were very conscious that our earth needs our help so we made some 'bottle top' fish cards with an environmental message inside. This was a way to recycle some plastic and 'Keep our Seas Plastic Free'. We made posters telling others that the world needs our help and discussing the many little ways we can make a big difference to our planet. Library goers also created a new display, inspired by our planet our planet season’s activities, to encourage recycling as many materials as possible.
Book Donation: We would like to thank our neighbour Mrs Hobson who generously donates new books to our school library every Christmas. The children are already enjoying the new books.
Reading Buddies: Our Year 6 Reading Buddies are keen readers who volunteer to hear a Year 1 child read over a couple of their break times every week. It is lovely to see how much both buddies get out of this special time together and their enjoyment in this shared experience is obvious.
Activity Tuesdays: This term we celebrated World Kindness Day and made 'Kind Clouds' to give to special people who may not realise how important they are. The name of the recipient was put on the cloud and the rainbow underneath listed their special qualities. An awful lot of thought was put into these creations and a lot of 'Kind' was spread around our school that day!
We had some amazing entries in our Book Fair Bunting Competition. It was very difficult choosing our winners but the 3 prizes went to Isabella in Ash with her lovely 'Winnie the Pooh' inspired design, Jonah in Hazel with his fabulous 'Gruffalo' picture and Ethan in 3E with his very detailed line drawing of the 'Lady and the Tramp'. They all won a lovely book from our visiting Scholastic Book Fair.
Well Done to all who entered - your bunting was displayed all week alongside the Book Fair and will find a more permanent home very soon!
All our ‘Pupil Librarians’ have had training shifts and been issued shiny, new Librarian badges. The Pupil Librarian Rota is issued at the beginning of each term - copies of which are in class and in our Library. If you are the Parent/Carer of a Pupil Librarian please remind them to read their rotas and encourage commitment to their position. The library really needs them to run effectively!
Space Chase Challenge: Mrs Brown, School Librarian, had a wonderful couple of weeks taking photographs and rewarding all of our children who completed the local libraries reading challenge 'Space Chase' this summer. A total of 43 children completed the challenge, which is double last years total, so well done St M's! Photos of all the children who came to show Mrs Brown their medals and certificates have been mounted onto our 'Reading Role Models' display outside the school hall. The lucky Key Stage winners, who were pulled randomly from our entrants, were announced in Achievement Assemblies.
“Congratulations to Cezary in KS2 and Andrews in KS1. We hope you enjoy your book bundle prizes!”
Author Visit: On 3rd July afternoon the fantastic author Will Mabbitt came to talk to our Yr4 and Yr5 children. It was both a funny and very inspirational afternoon- the children enjoyed listening to how Will gets his ideas and how he develops them into stories. Will's message that it is OK to make mistakes (he made over 5000 writing his first book!) was very encouraging! The session ended with Will reading from his hilarious picture book 'I Can Only Draw Worms' which received a rousing round of applause!
Lots of our pupils bought copies of Will's books - 'Embassy of the Dead' and 'Embassy of the Dead:Hangman's Crossing' which he signed for them in our library- taking time to talk to every child.
Special thanks go to Neitas and Henry in Year 4 who acted as hosts and runners -both were polite and incredibly helpful and a credit to our school. It has been really lovely hearing all the positive comments from our children about the author visit.Lots of them can't wait to start reading their new book and a fair few can't wait to write theirs!
You can read more on the 'North Somerset Teachers Book Award' webpage by clicking this link:
May Library News:
Rhiannon in Yr 6 wrote to the author Abi Elphistone after reading her Dream Snatcher Trilogy and received a lovely handwritten reply - this really made her day! It will be something she will treasure forever. It was wonderful of Rhiannon to share it with us.
On our Activity Tuesday session 14th May we celebrated the author of the classic novel 'PeterPan', J M Barrie’s 150th birthday.
We enjoyed talking about the adventures in Neverland and the children made papercraft crocodile bookmarks complete with alarm clocks just like the one that menaces Captain Hook in the story!
We have been very busy at the Library creating some amazing 'animal royalty' for a national competition. Our library goers were asked to draw their favourite animal as a king or queen and we have now sent them off to be entered in the publisher's Faber and Faber's Art Competition which is celebrating the book release of Swapna Haddow's ' Dave Pigeon Royal Coo' which is the 4th story featuring the hilarious Dave Pigeon. This is a must read if your child likes to laugh out loud!
We have had almost every animal possible from Princess Pandas to Duck Kings! Fingers crossed that there maybe a winner among our many entries. The lucky artist will win all 4 of the Dave Pigeon books plus a cuddly pigeon!
April 2019 News: We are incredibly proud of Amy Nisbet whose poem 'Shimmering Sea' was published in the ‘National Poem and Pictures Competition Anthology’. Amy has now received her book and it is thrilling to see her work in print! This year’s competition is under way so if your child would like the chance to see their work published please encourage them to enter this year’s 'Around the World' themed event.
‘Around the World’ Poems and Pictures KS2 Competition 2019: Over the Easter holiday your budding poet needs to handwrite an 8 line, rhyming poem, along the theme of 'Around the World'. Encourage your child to think of their friends or family who may come from different parts of the world, or the places they have or would like to travel to. Or maybe events and issues that bring the world together like sport or global warming. Entries need to be handed into the library on our return to school on Tuesday 23rd April, in order that we can send them off to be judged. As well as the chance of becoming a national winner and a published poet like Amy, St Martin's will also be awarding a prize to our favourite entry. Good Luck!
Easter wouldn't be Easter without a chocolate treat but please consider giving your child an Easter themed book to enjoy. There are lots of 'bunny' character books available, for example 'The Rhyming Rabbit' by Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monk. Also, for slightly older readers 'Royal Rabbits of London’ by Santa and Simon Montefiore.
Just like an egg - books make a great gift!
MARCH 2019:
Our library goers have been enjoying the wonderful Bibles and Christian Books that have been so kindly donated to us by the churches of Holy Trinity and Milton Baptist. They have barely touched a shelf as at every opportunity there is a small person somewhere in our library sharing them with friends, or with their heads buried deeply with in the pages! We feel incredibly lucky to have such a generous gift which will be loved by many children for a very long time.
Activity Tuesday: We also celebrated our Irish books in the library to celebrate St Patrick's Day. Making our 'Pot of Golds' provided an
opportunity to talk about Ireland and discuss the many Irish children's authors there are. These include the amazing picture book author Oliver Jeffers and the creator of the 'Artemis Fowl' series Eoin Colfer.
Reading Stars World Book Day Competition: Mrs Kus has put together the most amazing display using the photos, among others, which were entered into our 'Share a Story' half term competition. We have now entered our display into the national 'Reading Stars World Book Day' competition and hope that we may win 100 picture books to share! Fingers crossed!
World Book Day at St Martin's (photograph courtesy of Weston Mercury)
World Book Day has been the talk of our Library and the day itself was 'Beary' good fun! To celebrate the amazing 30th book birthday of 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' By Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury, we had a bear theme to our St Martin's World Book Day. Our library became a 'Bear Hunt Experience' with our KS1 classes all using their imaginations and super acting skill to participate in an interactive retelling of the story. They joined our KS2 children in different types of 'Bear Hunts' around school.
There was the 'Famous Bear Hunt' - where our children had to track down and name the famous bears of page and screen hiding in the school and a 'Bear Letter Hunt' where the children were asked to spot some real life bears who each had a letter. They had to rearrange these to make a habitat where a bear may live. All of the children who completed these hunts successfully have been entered into prize draws. There will be one winner per year group who will each be awarded a book prize in a later Achievement Assembly. All children who spotted THE BEAR from the Bear Hunt book earned themselves a 'Found Him' sticker. Our children are expert trackers, so hundreds of these were given out!!
Our Activity Tuesday also reflected our 'Bear' theme with our Library Go-ers making 'pop -out cave bears'. Thank you so much to all of our wonderful children who looked amazing in their costumes and joined in so enthusiastically with the activities! Reading, and the wonderful adventures it brings, really did light up our school on World Book Day. Please help it continue by ensuring your child uses their World Book Day Voucher to buy a Book. This years titles are fantastic and you have until 31st March 2019 to use them.
Thanks also to those families that entered a photo in our 'Share a story from Breakfast to Bedtime' half term Competition - we are well on our way to making our display which we will enter into the World Book Day 'Reading Stars' competition to win 100 Books. Fingers crossed! The photos were so good, and we were so thankful for the entries, that a book prize was given to all entrants in our Achievement Assemblies. We hope you will enjoy reading them!
We have held all types of bookish celebrations in our Library over the last couple of weeks. Firstly we celebrated the Chinese New Year of the Pig with some piggy tales and information books. We shared the brilliant 'There's a Pig up my Nose' by John Dougherty and Laura Hughes in Storytimes (the children like joining in with the 'Oinking!') and our older children made Pig Puppet Papercraft.
During the last week of Term we had our annual Harry Potter themed lunch time and many library go-ers took turns to wear our 'Sorting Hat' and find out which Hogwarts house they were to join. They then made their house tie and embarked on a Potter themed scavenger hunt - discovering the 10 magical things from the wizarding world, hiding in our Library.
Hopefully, you will have received a letter or e-mail about our 'Share a Story' Half Term Photograph competition. Please find 10 minutes to share a story with your family (small or large- pets included) any time (Breakfast, Lunch or Bedtime) anywhere! (Bus, Dentist's Shoe shop?) and take a photo for us to use in our display. We will be entering the finished display into the 'World Book Day Reading Stars' competition and if we win we will receive a 100 books for our school library!
Please bring in your photos to our Library on Monday 25th February. Every child that brings in a photo will be entered into our Key Stage Draw and on World Book Day one name will be chosen at random from KS1 and KS2 to win a fabulous book bundle. All children that enter will also get an extra 10 minutes towards our ‘Million Minutes’ which will really help us meet our target!
Activity Tuesday: Our activity was all about Honey in celebration of the author of the Winnie the Pooh books, A.A. Milne's birthday. The children enjoyed making their own pot of the famous bear's favourite food.
We celebrated 'Australia Day' by looking at our non fiction books about the country and it's wildlife. We shared 'Ouch in my Pouch' a lovely rhyming story about Australian creatures by Jeanne Willis and Garry Parsons in Library Story times throughout the week. The children also made their own papercraft, Kangaroos and took part in a 'Search and Find' quiz about Australia.
JANUARY 2019: Much excitement filled our Library when visiting author Joffre White paid us a visit to talk to our Library goers. Our children asked Joffre some amazing and interesting questions about his work and books in general, such as 'Who is your favourite Good Guy and Bad Guy in books?' (Good Guy -Bilbo Baggins from 'The Hobbit' and Bad Guy, Lord Maelstrom, a character in one of Joffre's books) and 'Describe your book in 5 words' (exciting, magical, action, adventure and a little bit spooky!)
The library copies of Joffre's book, 'Frog', flew off the shelves and a wonderful atmosphere of bookish inspiration descended over St Martin's.
Our first Activity Tuesday session of 2019 saw us commemorate 'Martin Luther King Day'. We talked about the great man's story and message to the world using some biographies and information texts before making our own 'I have a dream...' cards with our personal hopes and wishes for a better world on them.
December News: Activity Tuesdays have been very festive over the last couple of weeks in the Library. We have enjoyed making some very simple 'Rocking Christmas Trees and Santas' and shared some Christmas stories.
Our Library would like to take this Christmas opportunity to thank everyone who has donated books throughout the year. New books are vital in keeping our children reading and without your help we would not be able to offer our children the variety which is essential in making our library shelves as varied, current and interesting as possible! In particular we would like to thank our school neighbours Mr and Mrs Hobson, who for many years have donated the most recent David Walliam's novel to our library at Christmas. Their kindness means our children are always offered the latest in the wacky world of Walliams. The Ice Monster is available to borrow now! Also many thanks go to A W Lathan who donated his book 'Angelina Janny Jones and the Lost Norn' -all book donations are special but A W Lathan was a pupil at our school 50 years ago! How inspiring for our budding little authors to have a former pupil's work on our library shelf.
During the last week of November, the Library welcomed 'Ready Steady Go!' Preschool for another morning of book based fun. The 22 children listened to the wonderful stories of 'Please Mr Panda' and 'I'll Wait Mr Panda' by Steve Anthony before learning the very funny 'Panda Song'! Afterwards they had an exciting time hunting for hidden donuts and making Mr Panda Faces as well as their own yummy donut! A lovely morning of bookish fun was had by all and we hope to see our very young friends again in the New Year.
Nell Lythgoe in Year 3 is our latest St Martin's Author. Nell’s lovely book all about her family is available to read in our Library. It is a funny book which has been written with so much love - Nell's family sound wonderful!
We have had an amazing start to Term 2 with some 'REAL LIFE' author visits to our Library!
On 13th November the fantasy fiction author Colin R Parsons was in school leading a writing workshop and chatted to our lunchtime library go-ers about his work. The children enjoyed learning new tips and tricks to help them with the fictional writing. Throughout the day, the children wrote thrilling fantasy stories with settings from another world! This was a rewarding and enjoyable day of creative writing. Then, on 14th November the author of the hugely popular Emily Windsnap series, Liz Kessler, visited our school and gave a very inspiring talk to our children in Years 3, 4 and 5. Afterwards she came to our Library to sign the books that some children had pre-ordered or brought from home.
Both authors loved our Library and Liz was very complimentary of how well the children listened to her and got involved - part of Liz's talk involved the children making up their own story using prompts from some 'story cubes'. St Martin's story involved a little girl called Layla, a shooting star, a castle and a 'High-5ing' Apple! The children enjoyed interacting with actual authors on both occasions and the excitement on the faces of the children was wonderful to see. There has been a lovely reading 'buzz' in our school since their visit - long may it continue!
Thank you to Meggie and Izzy who acted as our runners and author's 'helpers' as they are big Liz Kessler fans. Meggie has read the 1st Emily Windsnap book 5 times!
Over Term 1 all of our pupils have visited the library to borrow books, taking part in a storytime or an activity Tuesday. We have never been so busy and it is so encouraging to see our children really enjoying their library time. Pupil Librarians have had training shifts and been issued shiny, new Librarian badges and the Pupil Librarian Rota will start properly at the beginning of next term. If you are the Parent/Carer of a Pupil Librarian please help them to read their rotas and encourage commitment to their position - the library really needs them to run effectively!
In last week's ‘Activity Tuesday’ we explored our magical texts and made 'Book Wands' for bookmarks and 'magic spells' and this week the children were offered the opportunity to use their lunchtimes to enter our 'Gardening Club's Design a Scarecrow' competition and make some paper pumpkins. |
We are also very proud of our new author. Chloe Hayter in 4JS has written and illustrated her book 'The Day I saw a Dragon' - featuring her brilliantly named hero 'Chloe Smoke' . Please come to the library and read this excellent picture book and remember Mrs Brown LOVES to read the books you have written so if you have a story growing inside you please put pen to paper and let the world read it! |
12th October Library Update: 'St Martin’s welcomed ‘Ready Steady Go! Preschool’ to our library last week for a fun morning of Rabbit Foo Foo activities. We started by sharing the story ‘Rabbit Foo Foo’ by Michael Rosen then we all joined in with the rhyme- afterwards we went on a Rabbit Foo Foo hunt, looking for the naughty bunny who was hiding all over our library and then took part in a retelling and sticking activity, where all the children made their own Rabbit Foo Foo then turned him into a ugly ‘Goonie’- just like the book!
It was also an opportunity for the children to explore the space of our library and share the wonderful books. A lovely time was had by all and we look forward to welcoming Ready Steady Go! again later in the year for more bookish fun!'
‘Design our Scarecrow’ Competition - favourite Book Character: St Martin’s Gardening Club needs your help. We would like you to design a scarecrow that looks like your favourite book character. You must label your scarecrow with the materials and information that we would need to build it.
If you would like to take part in the scarecrow competition please collect an entry form from the Library and return it to the Library or Miss Daniels by closing date Wednesday 8th November.
The winner will receive a goody bag full of books
and will be able to help build their winning design to go into the quad.
Library News w.c. 24th September 2018:
We have had a wonderfully busy couple of weeks - Activity Tuesday’s have seen us celebrate Roald Dahl’s Birthday by making ‘Trunky’ elephants from his book ‘The Enormous Crocodile’. We marked the ‘UN International Peace Day’ by making Doves and this week we looked at Autumn stories and made our very own ‘Hodgehegs’ from the Dick King Smith book of the same name.
Mrs Brown was thrilled to meet our new Reception classes who came to the library for the first time this week to share a story and rhymes. The Reception children will be visiting every week to borrow a book to share at home and are all very keen to start reading!
The children who completed the local libraries Summer reading challenge were all mentioned in last week’s Achievement Assemblies and received a well deserve round of applause.
All of their names were entered into our Key Stage draws and the lucky winners of book bundles were Toby in Chestnut KS1 and Paul in 6G KS2.
September 2018: Our library has had a lovely start to the new school year with lots of the children who took part in the local library's 'Summer Reading Challenge' coming to show Mrs Brown their medals and certificates. We are enormously proud of these' Mischief Makers' - all of their names have been entered into our Draw and the winner from each Key Stage announced in our Achievement Assembly. Everyone who completed the challenge will be mentioned and their photos displayed in our Library as they are excellent reading role models!
All of our children will visit our Library over the next couple of weeks for a reminder session on how to use the Library and our expectations on how to care for our library books.
Our Library offers the perfect environment to listen to your child read as part of their 5 reads for the Reading Record, either before or after school and especially if your child is reluctant to read at home.
World Book Day Library Competition: These are the winners who all won a 'bookish' prize. Well done to all who entered - there were over 150 entries!
(Yr6 Jamee, Yr5 Ellie, Yr4 Jayden, Yr4 Connor, Yr3 Maria, Yr2 Stanley, Yr2 Kubus,
Yr1 Ebony, Reception Yuna, Reception Sebastian)
We have had an exciting couple of weeks at our library during January 2018! ...
We were very lucky to receive a donation of 100 books from The Weston and Worle Mercury as part of their ‘Books for School’ campaign. An article was published in the paper on Thursday 18th January and can be found online here: from-weston-mercury-s-books-for-schools-campaign-1-5360650
It is always wonderful to be able to offer the children new and exciting reads as part of our reading for pleasure ethos. Please read the report and see if you can spot your library-goer in the picture.
Activity Tuesday has seen us commemorate Martin Luther King Day by looking at books about the great man and creating ‘Love All, Accept All’ banners to remember his message to the world. We also made bird feeders to support the annual RSPB Garden Bird Watch - we are going to hang some of our cereal hoop pipe-cleaner feeders in the library tree to see if we can encourage some birds to visit!
Before Christmas as part of our library activities some of our library goers entered The Reading Agency's National 'We are all Wonders' colouring competition. The children had to colour in a picture of Auggie, the main character in the 'Wonder' books, as imaginatively as possible. We are proud to announce St Martin's has a winner! Rhiannon Edwards in Year 5, lovely colouring and Rhiannon was one of only 5 winners from across the UK. We were very pleased to award her with her prize, a lovely bundle of Puffin books, in the achievement assembly. Well done Rhiannon and all that entered we love celebrating our children's achievements!
We were very lucky to welcome best selling, award winning Author of ‘The Last Wild’ triology, Piers Torday to open our new Library today. Piers is a keen supporter of Libraries and the importance of Reading for pleasure in children’s lives so we were thrilled when, as part of our opening ceremony celebration, he agreed to take part in an a very inspirational ‘Question and Answer’ session with our wonderful Pupil Librarians.
After this Mr Marriott and Mr Torday made some inspiring speeches before our author cut the ribbon and the Library was officially open! There followed a book signing where our children had the opportunity to meet the author and receive their copy of his work including the newly released ‘There May Be A Castle’.
The opening celebrations continued throughout the week with all year groups visiting the Library to take part in a book themed activity.
(31st October 2016)