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St Martin's Church of England Primary School

St Martin's Church

St. Martin’s School was named after St Martin’s Parish Church, which is situated nearby in the older part of Worle. We are proud of our links with St Martin's and other churches within the local area and work in partnership with them and the Diocese of Bath and Wells to bring the Christian Values and ethos into all aspects of school life.  

As a Voluntary Controlled Church of England School St. Martin’s has two of its Governors nominated by the Diocese of Bath and Wells, which takes an interest in the activities of the School.

St Martin’s Church Website link >>

or click here for >> latest Church Calendar Dates




Year 5 children join the Harvest Assembly at St Martin's Church to take part in readings
(October 2023)


Generous donations collected during Harvest Week for the Weston Foodbank charity - 
Year 2 children led a special assembly attended by Vicar Jon.
