...If your child will be starting School in Reception 2025, please contact us to book onto our Open Morning event / Family Tours - Saturday 12th October 10am-12 noon... please visit our Admissions page for more details…
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St Martin's Church of England Primary School


Children's absences should always be covered by a telephone call to our main school telephone number: 01934 628651 (option 1), by 9.30am on the first day of absence. The school will contact parents if we have not been notified of an absence by 9.30am.


No child should leave the school premises during the school day without going through the formal signing out procedure in the main office.  Parents are requested to ensure that a child is always collected from school for appointments during the school time - they should be signed out via the main school office.


Very occasionally severe weather conditions may make it necessary to close the school without time being available to give parents written notice.  In such circumstances an announcement of closure will be made via our online communication service, which is setup to automatically send to all 1st priority contacts - for these reason it is important to keep the school uptodate with your latest mobile contact details.
