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St Martin's Church of England Primary School

Anti-Bullying Week 14th-18th November 2022

During National Anti-bullying week schools all over the UK take a special focus on anti- bullying to support children throughout the country.


This year's theme is 'REACH OUT!'. This is a 2 fold message:
It is a reminder to those who are being bullied to reach out to a trusted friend or adult to get help.
It is also a reminder to others to reach out to those who may be being bullied or at risk or bullying to help and support them. 

There is a short video clip explaining the main points of the focus:

Anti-Bullying week: Reach Out YouTube link


As part of Anti-Bullying week, we will be having ODD SOCKS DAY on Tuesday. This is a chance for children to come into school wearing odd socks for the day if they wish! (FREE).
Odd socks remind us that we are all different and that is a wonderful thing! 


We incorporate Anti-Bullying week as part of our whole school PSHE curriculum which this term focuses on 'Celebrating Difference'.


There is parental support pack designed by the Antibullying Alliance in conjunction with Kidscape:

There are also other charities such as the NSPCC which can offer advice. 


If you or your child have any concerns over bullying, please contact your child's class teacher or Mrs Wood - our Parent Support Advisor. 
